The thing would have died sooner or later you could have let the snake chew on it a bit, if it was not a dangerous size then why bother interupt the feeding. Garder snakes eat frogs while there still alive. I hade the same incedent hapen with my boa tonight I ''killed '' a rat but it was not quite dead when I saw it was still alive and in the snakes jaws I grabed the rat and started squeezing the life out of it, but I never took it away. Your ball may dot eat for a while now be ready for that you stresed it out. Do you realise how much energy it took to do all that work and then get scared and decied to not eat now how will it replenish it's energy suply. The snake knew best if it started by the head the thing would have sufacated and would have died B4 the snake had time to put it in it's mouth all the way.
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,