Hi tara,
they are not subspecies per say, the term commonly used would be morph or colour morph. Tinctorious has not yet been broken up into subspecies. These morphs of tincs, cobalts, brazillian yellowheads, yellowbacks, etc. are all naturally occuring, in many/most cases isolated populations of tinctorius which exhibit different colour paterns, and in some cases minor morphological differences than other nearby populations. There definetley needs to be a good complete tinc morphs guide, and there was one on the net a few years ago, but its long gone. Tincs are incredibly variable frogs, with many many naturally occuring morphs, it can be confusing to keep them all straight.
Jewls of the Rainforest has several good photos of various tincs, but doesnt really name them, and by no means a comprehensive collection, best thing to do is check around the internet and soon enough you will become familiar with them.
Mark Pepper
Understory Enterprises