Hi Duncan,
it sounds like your tincs have some sort of nutritional deficiency. I have seen this in a couple of auratus I bought nearly five years ago, which were my first darts, they are still alive, but never grew to reach their full potential. I believe it has to do with improper supplementation/nutritional intake. Are you dusting the fruitflies/crix? A few misses is normal, but what you are describing is not.
A varied diet is best, and crickets are great food, but they are only as good as what they are gut loaded with, try gut loading them with a variety of greens, veggies, fruit, and even some fish foods, especially spirulina based ones, by feeding crix gut loaded with this, it will ensure that they recieve a broad spectrum of protiens and nutrients.
Good luck wth your frogs!
Mark Pepper
Understory Enterprises