How's his shed coming along (I'm so far behind!)? The two main reasons for a poor shed are low humidity (easy to correct) or oversupplementation.
I only supplement my chams (except gravid females and growing juvis) once a month and then only calcium. But, my gutload in top notch - full of lots of good stuff. Zeus (my male veiled) came to me in rough shape (as you all probably know) - in consultations with several vets in the States and talking with several AdCham members - I virtually eliminated all supplements. For the first 9 months he had only partial, patchy sheds and humidity didn't make any difference. It's taken along time, but now the old man has full, quick, complete sheds every 6 weeks or so. In eliminating the supplements he health improved dramatically in other areas.
The James/Lopez/Wells gutload can be found at
www.adcham.com - I add extra bee pollen and rosehip powder to it.