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Old 03-14-03, 03:02 AM   #1
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Sad And Terrible News!

It is about 1:30 am right now early friday morning. An avenue in Edmonton Called WHYTE AVenue or 82 Avenue, which is one of the oldest most historic parts of edmonton, has had a devestating fire. The fire is still burning but it is under control. THe Blaze started at about 10 PM And I really don't know how it started. So far 6 businesses have been totalled and 2 more have suffered smoke and water damage. One of the businesses includes a store called Scales and Tails a small pet shop. The sell as you can see domestic animals and reptiles. It's sad because on the news it said all the animals in the pet store have perished. It brought a couple tears to my eye and motivated me to come and write this thread. Poor puppies and cats and snakes and stuff. Really sad. Also really sad to see businesses go down like that espescially in such a popular avenue in edmonton. I go to that ave adleast 3-4 times/Week. It will definitely change that street. One of the buildings that burnt was 101 or 100some years old. Part of history just gone. I guess I am just dedicating this thread to all the animals that have perished in the fire. Even as wierd as it sounds. SAD SAD DAy in edmonton.
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Old 03-14-03, 03:17 AM   #2
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That's terrible!! How devasting that must be to everyone involved Hopefully it will be rebuilt soon.

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Old 03-14-03, 09:18 AM   #3
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I hope another pet store opens up where the last one burnt down, in memory of it. R.I.P
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Old 03-14-03, 09:27 AM   #4
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REading that just ripped my heart out this morning... Not just the fact that many businesses were lost and old buildings, but there is nothing that makes me cry more than hearing of a pet shop being hit by fire. Just thinking of the poor animals in their cages and tanks scared and with no where to go make me bawl my eyes out...

Indeed a very sad day in Edmonton...

Keeper of 5 snakes, leopard geckos, 1 green iguana, 20+ tarantulas, 2 dogs & a bunch of rats!
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Old 03-14-03, 09:59 AM   #5
Big Mike
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This is a sad day for people in Edmonton. These were some of the most historic buildings in one of the most historic areas in Edmonton. Just this week there was another fire downtown where a parkade collapsed and trapped some fire fighters. Thankfully no people were killed in either fire.

I heard on the news that in Scales & Tails they lost 2 cats, 7 boas, 4 chameleons and some 400 fish. Very sad. Overall damage has been estimated around $4,000,000.

I, like a lot of Edmontonians, have spent a great deal of time down in the Old Strathcona area and it will never be the same. I am very certain that the buildings will be rebuilt and that the area will continue to be big part of what Edmonton is.
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Old 03-14-03, 10:49 AM   #6
Damien Aube
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I feel bad for Paul.

I feel bad that Paul lost his business. Imagine my shock when I got a call from a friend who told me there was a fire downtown and a petstore was ablaze.:medbugged . I'm sure Paul will rebuild later on and get scales and tails going again.

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Old 03-14-03, 11:19 AM   #7
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That is so sad. I have spent quite a bit of time in Edmonton and was born there and it has always been like a second home to me.

I feel so bad for all the animals who died and the people who lost their businesses...
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Old 03-14-03, 12:25 PM   #8
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my heart goes out!
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Old 03-14-03, 12:37 PM   #9
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That's so sad. It's too bad that it happened. Does anyone know what caused it??
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Old 03-14-03, 12:56 PM   #10
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They are still looking for the exact cause but they say it started in the restaurant that was below the pet store. It was the very first Albert's restaurant. People around here, I'm sure, have been to one of the Albert's that are around the city and province.
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Old 03-14-03, 01:12 PM   #11
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Ooohhh....sorry to hear about that fire. Sounds like a bad scene. Maybe it was an accident, not that it would change the devestating loss.

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Old 03-14-03, 01:17 PM   #12
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Poor animals, I feel bad for them. They would have been trapped with no way out, the rest while sad are just objects. Buildings can be rebuilt with insurance money but you can't bring the animals back to life.
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Old 03-14-03, 01:58 PM   #13
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It really is a sad day...I frequently visited scales and tails and actually sold them a bunch of beardies a couple months ago. It was a nice place where the cats had the walk of the store and the owners we great. My mother was a big fan of the tarot/palm reader just next door which is also gone. I see why it went up in flames so fast with all the dry wood, the whole place was basically plywood. Still can't believe it is gone. And what a bad place for a fire, the firefighters did a good job considering the structure of all those buildings
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Old 03-14-03, 05:55 PM   #14
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Wow I was just in there this summer.Very nice staff nice little store.Hope all that were affected can rebuild and make things better than before.

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Old 03-14-03, 08:27 PM   #15
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to everyone that said they hope a new petshop will be built, well shame on u, who cares if a new shop is built. what really matters is the animals that died, all of them, not just the reptiles. like lisa said money cant bring the animals back, but lets all hope they get a new shop really soon.
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