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Old 03-12-03, 05:27 PM   #1
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Damn Laws!!!! Hate it!!!!

Hey guess what happened today? I was about to go out my door to go to school and all that. All of a sudden there was this guy in front of my door. He told me what he was one of those people from the London Human Society. Then he came into my house and walked and talked a bit. Then gave me this stupid warning about having too many snakes at home. Then I asked him how much are we allowed to have at home.....then he told me that by law, we are only to have a max of 2 snakes that are less than 2 feet long at home. Anything more than that is against the law!!!! So basically I am to get rid of my whole collection except 2 that are less than 2 feet long!!!!! I am really mad right now! Cause there are basically no snakes that are going to be less than 2 feet long and there are no way that I am only going to keep 2 snakes in my house!!! I am going to go for the law thing! I am going to be calling the City Hall and talk about this for sure! What do you think??

Oh I am just so mad right now!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any suggestions to what I should do guys and gals?
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Old 03-12-03, 05:32 PM   #2
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Do you live in ontario?

I believe the guy is feeding you a bunch of bull.

Why did you let the guy walk into your house, you have the right to say no.

I hope you got his name and any other identifying information, because when you talk to anyone from the city they will ask you where you got this information.

As for keeping snakes tht are no longer than 2 feet, no one would be able to keep any snakes other than worm or blind snakes (and a few others). So I think that this guy was just trying to scare you.

Have you annoyed your neighbours recently?

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Old 03-12-03, 05:38 PM   #3
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I think he is pulling your leg. Should not have let him into your house in the first place.

I have never heard of a bylaw which says pet snakes have to be under 2ft.... are you sure he didn't mean 2 metres?
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Old 03-12-03, 05:42 PM   #4
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Hey, you should like... hide them! That's the gayest thing I've ever heard! All you can really keep are like hognose snakes and maybe a sand boa or 2... that's (I would like cuss or something but since it's not allowed here, let's say...) BULLCRAP!!!

But seriously shouldn't take your snakes out to show people or anything, and if they come search your home, make sure your snakes are well hidden. Heck, that's what I'd do, lmao!

Just my 2 cents
Who are you callin' a freak?!
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Old 03-12-03, 05:48 PM   #5
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exatly most law requier under 6 feet and unles you disturbe the public you are not restricted on how many you can haveas far as letting the guy in I would not have done that cause now he can make a petition about reptiles and can use your colection and your neibours against you. A reptile collection is fore your self not the rest of the world you can share it only with those you trust it is insaine but it is the only way I opperat and that keeps me and collection out of the papers any kind of papers
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Last edited by ReptiZone; 03-12-03 at 05:50 PM..
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Old 03-12-03, 05:52 PM   #6
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Id go with what Rachel said as a last resort. Check out the laws to make sure the guy was right and go from there. If all else fails and they come back to see if you got rid of them hide them. I dont know about Canada or where ever youre at but here in the states they need a warrant to come into the house. That law just doesnt sound right to me and Id be completely ticked if some stranger came into my house and told me what I could and couldnt have as a pet.
How in the heck did they find out about the snakes anyway?
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Old 03-12-03, 06:16 PM   #7
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Where can people living in Onatrio read their by-laws? Can it be done online or do you have to call or request this information?

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Old 03-12-03, 06:20 PM   #8
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I'm REALLY sorry to hear that Simon. Unfortunately, those laws DO exist although not strictly enforced. It says only two reptiles per dwelling, no snakes over 24", and no lizards over 12".

You should feel fortunate that he only gave you warning. My guess is, that once he saw that you keep your snakes in excellent conditions, decided not to push the matter but only make you aware of the laws. IMO, I wouldn't raise a stink.
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Old 03-12-03, 06:49 PM   #9
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Freak out tell them they are not allowed to come on YOUR property if you own where you live they cannot enter with out you saying so even the police cant come on your property with out reasonable suspition freakin idiot trying to steal your freedom fight em fight em hard
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Old 03-12-03, 07:50 PM   #10
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As for the post above, I would ignore it, it can only get you into a bigger bind.

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Old 03-12-03, 08:14 PM   #11
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If anyone shows up at my door, city inspector or not, I don't let anyone into my home unless absolutely necessary. I hear too many stories of people encountering problems once the municipality they live in knows they have snakes. Well, I think the best way to go about it is to refuse entrance to a supposed inspector. Home privacy is very important and if they really want to come in and see, let them get a darn search warant. I know those a hard to get so just stand your ground when someone come knocking next time.

Keeper of 5 snakes, leopard geckos, 1 green iguana, 20+ tarantulas, 2 dogs & a bunch of rats!
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Old 03-12-03, 08:20 PM   #12
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I'd just keep it hush, and get rid of any snake related web refferences of you living in london.
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Old 03-12-03, 08:32 PM   #13
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He is right Simon.... Sorry to hear that. My vet told me that anything over 2' was in violation of London bylaws.

I think you should not make to much noise....just bring alll your snakes to my

I time for jokes.

Call me if there is anything I can do!

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Old 03-12-03, 08:57 PM   #14
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Who the hell makes up these dumb-*** bylaws anyway?!? 2ft!?!?!?!?! For God's sake! Our government is run by a bunch of bloody monkeys! We have a bunch of idiots making stupid laws. I just don't understand what these stupid people are thinking of when they make these laws.

Ok I can understand laws concerning venemous reptiles or having to have permits for really big reptiles but nothing bigger than 2ft!? What are they worried about? Worried that someones 4ft ball python is going to escape and choke someones twinkie?!
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Old 03-12-03, 09:39 PM   #15
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I have checked the law of London already. it is true. I can only have 2 snakes that are less than 2 feet long I am either going to challenge the stupid law (since I have talked to my counselor that represents my area). He told me that I can try and change it but he also told me that this had been done before and did not succed.......

I guess that there are basically two or three options that I can do...1) move away from london and find a better place to live 2) challenge the stupid law 3) just ignore it.....which I think that they'll just hunt me down and kill me instead....

I just hate this stupid law and I have no idea why this is..... I will try and apply for a business permit or something so that I can keep the snakes~~ I am not going to give up my babies just like that~~~ I heard from Rich that he has applied for a snake farm.....I wonder if London would allow me to do that too......sigh...
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