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Old 03-04-20, 08:46 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb-2020
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What do you think are the best beginner snakes?

Just asking, trying to learn a bit about beginner snakes because eventually I want to get one, we'll see if my parents will allow it.
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Old 03-04-20, 09:07 PM   #2
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Re: What do you think are the best beginner snakes?

The most stereotypical one you will hear are BPs just because of their forgiving temperament and simple husbandry requirements, and yeah they are pretty great. Corn Snakes and King Snakes are popular choices and will take up less space. It depends, if you want to handle it, ball pythons are known to be most comfortable with handling. But other snakes such as green tree pythons are less tolerant to things like that, but they are always nice to look at if that is all you would like. One tip i will say is to not only rely on one care guide, get multiple opinions and do your research. You can pretty much get any snake just as long as you are able to maintain its health and needs and it meets your needs as well.
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Old 03-05-20, 05:21 AM   #3
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Re: What do you think are the best beginner snakes?

Yeah tho BPs sometimes are picky eaters and aren't very active. So it really depends what your looking for. If you want and active snake the Cali Kings, corns, or garters are generally good options. (Other than garters snakes in my opinion) BPs are tipically much prettier if you don't like the 'wild' look. All of them are awesome options tho! Also I've heard that African egg eater snakes make good beginner snakes if you can find the right size eggs. And those are absolutely gorgeous in my opinion. Good luck on your first snake!!!
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Old 03-05-20, 12:37 PM   #4
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Re: What do you think are the best beginner snakes?

Ball pythons are popular partly because they're so commonly available due to breeder's overproduction. Normals babies often go for $20, but IMO there are better choices than cheap and easily available. Corn or king snakes are less demanding regarding temp and humidity requirements. Boas are also very abundant, and most babies have docile dispositions, but you may not want a snake that will grow that large and need appropriate-size housing as an adult to start out with. On the other hand, boas are somewhere between a ball python (aka pet rock) and a typical colubrid like a corn snake as far as general activity level when handling.
Regardless of what you choose, spend plenty of time researching care requirements and have everything ready before bringing one home. You might find a snake and setup available on Craiglist, but be aware that the setup may not be suitable, and/or the snake may be neglected, have some sort of health issues, or be infested with mites.
7.6.26 Dominican red mountain boas, 1.1 carpet pythons, 3 ATB, 1.1 climacophora, 1.1 Russian rats, 1.1 prasina, 1.1 speckled kings, 3.3.1 corns, 1.1.1 black rats, 1.1 savu, 1.1 Stimson's, 1 spotted python, 1.1 Boiga nigriceps, 3 Olive house snakes, 1 Sonoran mountain king, 0.1 Sinoloan milk snake, 1.1 Dione rat snake.
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Old 03-05-20, 05:03 PM   #5
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Re: What do you think are the best beginner snakes?

You got me there that ball pythons are cheap- I even saw one on morph market for $1. They are also not very active, but some people do not mind. Most snakes that are more active are not as tolerant to handling, but will attune to handling if you are patient with it, so a small colubrid if you are looking for something more active. In my opinion I love how all snakes look.
High Blue Green tree pythons are super pretty- just had to say that.
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Old 03-07-20, 12:03 PM   #6
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Re: What do you think are the best beginner snakes?

thanks people
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Old 03-09-20, 07:56 PM   #7
EL Ziggy
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Re: What do you think are the best beginner snakes?

Can't go wrong with kings, carpets, or boas.
0.1 Albino Bull Snake (She-RA)~ 1.0 Snow Bull Snake (Apollo)~ 1.0 Coastal Carpet Python (Chomper)~ 1.0 JCP (Shredder)~ 1.0 Bredl Python (S'ven)~ 0.1 JJ x JCP (Trinity)~ 0.1 Albino Carpet Python (Akasha)~ 1.0 Olive Python (Nigel)~1.0 Scrub Python (Klauss)~ 1.0 BCI (Monty)~ 0.1 BCO (Xena)
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Old 03-09-20, 09:23 PM   #8
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Re: What do you think are the best beginner snakes?

Adult corn snakes
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Old 03-10-20, 09:38 AM   #9
Herpin' Man
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Re: What do you think are the best beginner snakes?

I'm going to agree on corn snakes. Hardy, easy to keep, personable, good looking- there simply isn't anything not to like about corn snakes.
I would give a close second to kingsnakes of the getulus species group- California kings, chain kings, etc. They have all of the same appealing qualities of corn snakes, but are a bit more nervous.
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Old 03-17-20, 09:23 PM   #10
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Re: What do you think are the best beginner snakes?

ball pythons are a popular choice in america along with milk snakes, king snakes and corn snakes. another good one is a bull snake although they get quite big and can be a bit aggressive, and last of all a Woma python although they are Australian snakes and they are hard to find they are amazing eaters and are very friendly along with don't get to bit. i recently go a hatchling and he has eaten every meal and he has not biten or struck at me once.
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Old 03-22-20, 01:02 AM   #11
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Re: What do you think are the best beginner snakes?

The only one I have personal experience with is the mexican black kingsnake and he is very easy to keep.
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Old 04-10-20, 04:11 AM   #12
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Re: What do you think are the best beginner snakes?

Ball Pythons are most common because of their cuteness, crazy amount of morphs, and they are kinda easy to take care. But my personal favorites for beginners are cornsnakes and california kingsnakes. Cornsnakes are fairly docile, easy to handle and care for. Corn snakes are still one of the most popular pet snakes because of their demeanor, availability, and their color combinations. California Kingsnakes are pretty awesome too. They don’t grow too large, averaging 3 to 4 feet in length. You can house one in a 20-gallon enclosure with a screened top, a hide and suitable substrate.
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Old 04-10-20, 09:13 AM   #13
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Re: What do you think are the best beginner snakes?

Originally Posted by jimmy01 View Post
Ball Pythons are most common because of their cuteness, crazy amount of morphs, and they are kinda easy to take care. But my personal favorites for beginners are cornsnakes and california kingsnakes. Cornsnakes are fairly docile, easy to handle and care for. Corn snakes are still one of the most popular pet snakes because of their demeanor, availability, and their color combinations. California Kingsnakes are pretty awesome too. They don’t grow too large, averaging 3 to 4 feet in length. You can house one in a 20-gallon enclosure with a screened top, a hide and suitable substrate.
I would never keep an adult King in a 20 gallon. I wouldn't go smaller than a 40 breeder.
They're fairly active and will use pretty much all the room you offer.
My Cal King, Django, just passed recently (RIP sweet boy) and he was in a 4x2x2 enclosure and used every inch.

To OP:
It all boils down to what you want in a snake.
Bottom line, read, read and read some more. The better prepared you are the better the experience will be for you and for your new pet. I can't possibly stress enough the importance of being prepared.

I'll throw my two cents in on some of the species already mentioned.

BPs - they're the most common snake in the pet trade for a reason. They're easy to care for (IF YOU'RE PREPARED), maintain an easy to manage size, are known to be extremely docile, and handle easily due to size and slow moving demeanor.
Yes, they can be prone to food strikes. However, if you're prepared, this really isn't that big a deal. Snakes don't eat on a schedule in nature.
There are also feeding techniques that will drastically reduce the likelihood of food strikes. For example, my BPs both eat year round and neither have refused a meal in at least a year (yup, even through winter!!)
One major thing, besides feeding, that often turns people off of BPs is they can be a bit like "pet rocks" in that they stay hidden most of their lives.
Bottom line: great species that's very easy to care for. If you're looking for a relatively small, calm snake a BP may be for you.

Kings & corns - I'll start by saying I've kept both and no longer keep corns. Honestly, they're like Kings boring cousin to me. But that's just me. They are almost identical as far as husbandry is concerned. Both are SUPER easy and both are pretty forgiving of husbandry errors.
Both are typically fantastic eaters, but you'll sometimes hear Kings referred to as "garbage disposals" cause they'll eat just about anything, just about any time. I often joke they'll eat a slice of pizza if you dangle it with tongs, as long as it's meat lovers!! Hahaha. Kings have an incredible food response. Once they smell food that's ALL they think about. Both will be fine on mice their whole lives as well.
Both maintain a very manageable size and handle well. They are fairly active while handling, especially as juveniles. They can be a bit "flighty" and you'll often be doing the "hand over hand" constant moving thing while handling. They'll eventually chill and sometimes just plop down in your lap, but they typically are more active.
They are also EXTREMELY great escape artists and you need to be 10000000% sure your enclosure is escape proof. They can fit through the tiniest of holes and can disappear very easily and quickly.
Kings can be a bit nippy as juveniles, but almost always outgrow it with some size and confidence.

I just recently got into morellia and I am LOVING IT!!
My most recent additions to the family were a Jungle Carpet Python and a Bredli Python. I could not be happier! I am smitten like a kitten!!
They're both still under a year old, so I'm very much still learning, but these snakes are simply amazing.
With carpets there are several different localities that will offer animals in all different sizes. For example, Irian Jaya and Darwin's Carpets will too out around 4 feet. While Coastals can hit 10 feet. Many fall in the 6-8 foot range which is still super easily handleable by one person.
They tend to be fantastic eaters (mine are so far, zero refusals so far), are curious snakes without being overly skittish or flighty and their care is pretty simple as well.

I haven't ventured into boas...yet. But I've been around the hobby long enough that I've been around plenty and know that they're amazing animals and make great pets. You also have a lot of various localities that will offer different size adults. Some localities top out around 4 feet while others can easily top 10 and sometimes larger.

I hope this helps. And I can't stress enough, BE PREPARED. Decide what you're looking for in a snake. Then learn all you can and decide if you can responsibly and properly care for that animal for the next 20+ years.
2.0 BPs - Tyson & Dembe 1.0 Hognose - Cosmo
1.0 KSB - Willow 1.0 Borneo STP - Juice
0.1 Bredli Python - Fernie 1.0 Carpet Python - Cornell
R.I.P. Django
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Old 04-14-20, 04:29 AM   #14
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Please help need advice with first boa litter

Had my first boa litter of hypospadias sunglow and albinos. 2 were born with eyes out of head and are otherwise full of piss and vinegar. What do I do? Please help. They are becoming cristie and harder day by day so I'm hoping they fall off and heal over as usually happens when a snake loses an eye. Being newborn I'm unsure what do do to help. I cant find a single smidge of help or previous experience online. Ty in advance. By they were born april 5th
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Old 05-09-20, 03:02 PM   #15
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Re: What do you think are the best beginner snakes?

hello! at last i found a community where i can share my love for reptiles with , please check out my snakes face mas designs and let me know what you think !
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