About three days ago i bought a ball python, this is also my very first snake. I did alot of research before just like the size of the enclosure, temp and more.
Now my temperature is good around 30-35 degrees at day and around 25-28 at night. (I read that this is a tood temperature for a ball python if not correct me)
Now i bought a humidity meter first i thought it was broke cus it was under 20 sow i bought another one and this also seems to give the same 20. Now a friend of mine recommended 2 heating lamps and a heat mat. When i shut down the lights at night the humidity was like 60? So i wonder if i would just replace the heat lamps with normal lighting, night lights or just no lights (i also tried spraying some mist water into the cage no luck, i also refresh the water bowl everyday)
Anyone who knows what i can do? Very much appreciated!