Re: Aggressive Behavior
I would suggest that you handle your snake a couple of times a week for about a month. Only handle her long enough for her to get relaxed in your hands for a few moments, then put her back in her enclosure. You can usually tell when a snake relaxes by it posture. If they are keeping their head and neck drawn back in a striking position, then they are still tense and ready to bite if they feel threatened. Sit still while you support her body but do not pass anything in front of her. After about 5 minutes she should start to relax and crawl through your hands. You can let her do this for a minute of so, but place her back in her enclosure so she isn't too stressed out. After you do this for a couple of weeks, you will see her relax much sooner, and after a month or so, she should not see you as a threat and be fairly relaxed when you pick her up. I do not usually recommend handling snakes too often, but if you get one that is starting to become defensive and striking or biting, it is best to get them used to being handled quickly or it will be much more difficult to get them to a state of mind where they can be handled without much risk of being bitten. This has worked well for me on one of my BRB and I can now take him out for any reason without risk of being bitten.