Baby KSB not eating
I got a baby Kenyan Sand Boa early this month, so about 4 weeks, and has not eaten when under my care. He's in a 10 gallon tank with aspen shavings, has proper temperatures, and has not eaten since his previous owner had him. I am unsure of his age, but he is very tiny, not even a half-inch wide and about the length of a pencil. I have offered him f/t pinkie mice, as I don't have access to live ones, and have tried many different ways to try and get him to eat. I have heard that they go off feeding, but for how long can a baby go?
He is active and certainly not thin, so I'm not too concerned, but then there's also the fact that he seems even too small for the f/t pinkies. Should I be starting him on something else? Crickets, perhaps?