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Old 01-27-17, 02:41 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan-2017
Posts: 7
Natural snake tank (corn snake or milk snake)

Hey everyone!

I'm a newbie who's setting up a tank for the first time so any help would be appreciated. I wanted to set up a natural tank with soil, natural plants and small organisms that would move the soil around and decompose feces or other plant material. I am planning on getting everything set up a month in advance to get the plants rooted to the new tank and to have the organisms in routine of moving the soil around before adding the snake in. Would this idea work? It's basically to create a tank that wouldn't require to much human interference (other than feeding and water) and to make it as natural as possible. But I want to make sure the idea would work and that there wouldn't be a build up of feces and bacteria so that the snake could live happily. Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!!
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Old 01-27-17, 11:01 PM   #2
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Re: Natural snake tank (corn snake or milk snake)

Sounds like you are planning a bioactive tank. I would suggest doing a lot of research on how to set up a system like that. It can be done, but should be done properly so your snake stays healthy. Search for bioactive setups and you should find plenty of info. When I looked into bioactive I was recommended the book "The Art of Keeping Snakes" by Phillippe de Vosjoli. It's full of information so that's a good place to start. I have not set up a bioactive tank yet so I have no advice other than that.

Good luck with your project!
3 corn snakes, apricot pueblan milk snake, spotted python, cal king, florida king, albino san diego gopher, kenyan sand boa
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Old 01-28-17, 03:21 AM   #3
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Re: Natural snake tank (corn snake or milk snake)

Hello and welcome to the forum. There are quite a few people on here who have set up bio tanks, so post your questions and I am sure you will get the answers you are looking for.
Research, research, research and more research then buy your reptile. Fail to Prepare, then Prepare to Fail
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Old 01-28-17, 05:45 PM   #4
Join Date: Jan-2017
Posts: 7
Re: Natural snake tank (corn snake or milk snake)

Thanks for the advice and I'll definitely take a look into it. I'll keep everyone posted on the tank!
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