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Old 09-20-16, 10:15 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep-2016
Posts: 38
Rubbermaid All Access as enclosure?

Hello all! This is my first post here at sSnakess! I'm super excited to be getting my first snake and first hognose here within the month from a breeder I actually sold my Beardie to a couple of years back. He's got a het toffee girly on hold for me and I'm quite thrilled. I may get into breeding these guys in the future, but I still have a fair bit of research to do, so that's not any time soon.

Anywho, down to my question. I've done a lot of research and read a lot of threads, but I wanted to get an opinion on a tub in particular: the Rubbermaid All Access (I would post a link, but I'm not yet allowed lol).

I saw it posted on another reptile forum as a possible snake enclosure and I really liked the appeal of it because of the side panel which would be nifty for viewing and accessing the animal in a less stressful manner, however I'm wondering if even the largest size (22"x17.5"x15.1") would be large enough for an adult female? I'm getting a youngster, but I'd love to be able to keep her in this when she is older as well.

Also, just to note, I have researched the pros and cons of tubs and vivs and currently a tub is the best choice for me and (from what I've read) this baby I'll be acquiring.

Looking forward to your wisdom! Thanks!
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Old 09-20-16, 10:25 PM   #2
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Re: Rubbermaid All Access as enclosure?

From my understanding, the rubbermaid all access is not good for snakes as the door is not very secure and an escape is inevitable. You would be better off with a smaller (shoe box sized) locking lid tub for a baby hoggie. =)

Also, welcome to the forum!
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Old 09-21-16, 03:47 AM   #3
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Re: Rubbermaid All Access as enclosure?

Yep, saw a post about this earlier this week. A slight push and the thing falls wide open. It looks really cool but honestly, the clear tubs are still pretty easy to see through. If you REALLY want a panel, you could always make one yourself [easiest way would be to glue a sheet of glass or acrylic to a hole cut out of the side of a tub], but it seems kind of pointless?

I usually support the idea of starting babies in a decent sized enclosure and just littering it with hides, but since hoggy babies are SO tiny, I definitely would go smaller. I started mine in a nearly 10g and I was afraid of losing her. It's a reptile specific cage with the floor space of a 10g but half the height. It's 6" high and it took her months to reach the screen top because she was so tiny. She's now about 10 months old and still isn't as long as the long side of the cage. So starting a baby in a small shoe box sized bin would really be perfect for these guys. You wouldn't have to move it up for a while. If you go bigger, I wouldn't do bigger than 5g equivalent I don't think.

And, yes, welcome!
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Old 09-21-16, 07:03 AM   #4
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Re: Rubbermaid All Access as enclosure?

I have these tubs for gecko enclosures. A snake could easily escape. The only all-access that is appropriate for snakes is the extra small, but even that has a hole right behind the handle on the door that needs to be sealed. The larger sizes would require serious modifications.
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Old 09-21-16, 03:34 PM   #5
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Re: Rubbermaid All Access as enclosure?

Ah, gotcha. Thanks for the quick responses, I really appreciate it! I will steer clear of these then. I had heard that baby hogs were tiny but I didn't realize how tiny! Very good information. Thanks again for the welcomes as well! I'm super stoked to be here
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Old 09-21-16, 10:01 PM   #6
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Re: Rubbermaid All Access as enclosure?

I really like the Ziploc weatherproof locking clear tote. It has a seal around the lid and locks in 6 places instead of 2. You can find it at Walmart.
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Old 09-22-16, 08:44 PM   #7
Join Date: Sep-2016
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Re: Rubbermaid All Access as enclosure?

Awesome! Put it on my list of stuff to pick up for my girl! Thanks for the information
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