Re: Help Identifying, Please?
It's possible he wasn't dead, rat snakes will often kink their body like that, its very typical of them. Head shape isn't really good to go by, since harmless snakes can flatten their heads into a triangle shape in order to look venomous, and coral snakes are venomous but their heads may not appear triangular. The best thing to do is get familiar with the snakes in your area, preferably the venomous ones so you know what to leave alone. Don't touch anything you can't identify.
1.1 Columbian Rainbow Boas | 1.0 White Lipped/D'Alberts Python | 0.0.1 Leachianus Gecko | 2.0 Gargoyle Geckos | 0.1 IJ Carpet Python | 1.0 Cat | 1.0 Human