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Old 12-17-15, 07:06 PM   #1
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Join Date: Dec-2015
Posts: 2
Unhappy Panicked corn snake?

Hello! I'm new to the community as well as new to being a snake owner.
I joined because I'm worried about my cornsnake Ziggy. I got him about 2 months ago, and Ive handled him almost everyday since, except of course when he was settling in or eating. Hes roughly a year old.

Tonight I was watching tv with him in my hands like I normally do, he then climbed up into my hair, where I let him explore a little bit and then he came back down. He's a bit of an explorer, doesnt seem to like being handled, he tolerates it and hes never bitten me or shown aggression, but he'd rather do his own thing. So I let him crawl around on my duvet a little bit, and then i picked him up again to put him back into his cage, about 20 seconds after being picked up he suddenly tenses up and literally leaps out of my hands.

It usually makes him jump if I move my hands too quickly, but this time he completely panicked and threw himself under my legs where I couldnt see him. I quickly picked him up and put him away because I was afraid he'd make a run for it. (I had no idea he was so fast). He went straight under his log as quickly as possible and now I'm here worried about him

Anyway, what do you think happened? I changed his bedding today to paper instead of wood chippings for the first time as he once ate a huge pieces of wood that was stuck to his dinner and I didnt want that to happen again, besides that nothing has changed. And he was fine for the first 10 minutes of being out. I'm just worried that this skittish behaviour is now going to be a constant trait he has.

Anyone offer any similar stories or advice?

anything would be appreciated. thank you
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corn snake, panicked snake, scared corn snake

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