Originally Posted by JustMeNmySnakes
I'm looking for what I believe is called a Sub Saharan ball python or Volta.
These are unusually huge Ball Pythons I've been reading about that are imported, but seem to be hard to find here in the USA for sale.
My sister is a breeder and has solicited my help to find a female so I am asking for your help.
Very hard to find for a reason. It's because importers don't differentiate between the areas they find their snakes. To them ball pythons are ball pythons are ball pythons.
Also, for some reason the people with them kind of never cared to captive breed this line for any length of time so most are just "lost" in the crowd of ball pythons.
Lastly, this isn't a classifieds. This is a forum. If you're searching to buy something then please use the wanted ads or head to another classified site.
Feel free to PM if you don't know where to look but this thread is done as a classified thread. If people want to discuss ball python locales then they are free to do so.