Hello everyone. Just received my Mojave BP on Friday and have been very happy so far! He was born on 7/9 and I think he's beautiful.
Very new to owning a snake and it's been a learning experience, which has led to me finding this forum. I have previously owned various lizards and chameleons when I was a teenager and have had nothing since for many years.
I got a basic enclosure and setup, but I can see there are various things I will want to improve as time progresses.
For now I am just enjoying him and trying not to stress him out too much as he gets familiar with me and my home. He already has a friendly demeanor and has not tried to bite me at all. He quickly will start to explore my arm if I pick him up, though is very cautious around me and will stiffen up if I make any movements.
He ate his first live fuzzy mouse on Saturday and spent all of Sunday in his hide.
I haven't thought of a name yet, but will come up with something soon (as well as more pics.) Here's a shot of him exploring his new home:
My friend also purchased a standard BP that is a month younger than mine. His is much more skittish and scared and has not eaten yet. He will lunge at you as soon as he sees your face. He is currently in a 10 gallon tank that I think is a bit too exposed and is in the living room. We've tried covering the sides and the snake has taken to its hide. Hopefully it will eat in the next week or so.