Hatchling corn stopped eating
The first 3 feedings went perfectly fine, with Zodiac grabbing the pinky as soon as he saw it. Then I noticed he went blue and he didn't want to eat, which was all understandable. About a week later he shed and the weeks after that he had another 2 feedings. Though, last week I noticed he didn't grab the pinky when I held it with my tongs, so I decided to put him back in his terrarium and leave the pinky in there. After a few minutes he took it and I thought everything was fine. Though when I woke up in the morning and walked past the terrarium, I noticed a terrible stench; he had regurgitated the pinky.
I thought I'd leave him be a few days, because I reckoned he'd be pretty stressed out. I just tried to feed him again today and he still doesn't want the pinky, even when I left it out in his terrarium for an hour or so.
So, he's not preparing to shed any time soon, because he just did 1.5 weeks ago. Nor is temperature wrong, it's reading 20,5 degrees Celsius on the cold end and 28,5 on the hot end. The pinkies are F/T and in the 1-2 gram range, they're about the same diameter as Zodiac's middle. He's also got 3 hides (1 on the cold side and 2 on the warm side), so I think he should feel pretty secure.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
1.0 Bloodred Corn "Zodiac"
2.0 Stabyhouns (Dogs) "Skate" & "Binke"