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Old 11-17-14, 09:03 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov-2014
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how to scent pinkie with egg whites??

my snake will eat egg whites, I try to drape a pinkie over top of the egg whites because I don't understand how to scent with them, he usually trys to avoid the pinkie.... hes a baby W hognose and ive tried heating the egg whites and pinkie in same bag but he has no interest just wants the egg whites. any scenting advice. he does not like tuna or sardine scenting.
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Old 11-17-14, 11:55 AM   #2
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Re: how to scent pinkie with egg whites??

Hognose snakes are FROG eaters. Why on earth would you attempt to scent with anything but frogs?!

Who told you to feed egg whites? That's just silly. Also get a video of it actually eating the egg whites. I'd really like to see that.
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Old 11-17-14, 05:34 PM   #3
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Re: how to scent pinkie with egg whites??

theres no frogs or frog scenting stuff around where I live. also the breeder I got him from didn't use any sort of scenting.

Snakeguy5 told me to try egg whites.

first thing my snake ate after a month of having him and him not eating... so I was happy. he eats when im sleeping so thatd be hard to get a video of but the egg whites are always gone in the morning.
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Old 11-17-14, 05:40 PM   #4
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Re: how to scent pinkie with egg whites??

Are these cooked egg whites?

I've been at this a long time and I'm not opposed to new trends or something that works better. However, egg whites has to be right up there with chicken wings offered and crickets to a corn snake. (Both are true.)

If you need a frog buy one from a pet store for 10 bucks. Ask them for a wild caught one that is about to die or is dead. Maybe you'll get it for free. You don't need it or want it alive anyway. You rub the frog onto the mouse pink. Freeze said frog. Take out (DO NOT THAW) rub on the next mouse pink. That is how my friend did it with his super stubborn ones. Most aren't that stubborn.

P.S. It could also be your husbandry if the breeder had it eating for awhile beforehand.
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Old 11-18-14, 10:49 AM   #5
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Re: how to scent pinkie with egg whites??

yes hard boiled egg whites. pet stores around me don't have frogs or frog scenting stuff... i would never try a chicken wing, chicken or insect for a snake. would've never tried hard boiled egg whites either but it did work and I'm happy he's eating them but i wish i could get him to eat the pinkie instead. i have him in a 10 gal tank full of hides can barely see substrate and a water dish hot side is 92 and cool side is about 76. i could put him in a smaller 1/2g cage but wouldn't really be room for anything then. the breeder said all of their snakes must voluntarily eat twice before they sell them. so my snake ate twice for the breeder thats it, then he was shipped overnight.
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Old 11-18-14, 08:25 PM   #6
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Re: how to scent pinkie with egg whites??

Originally Posted by kuester View Post
yes hard boiled egg whites. pet stores around me don't have frogs or frog scenting stuff... i would never try a chicken wing, chicken or insect for a snake. would've never tried hard boiled egg whites either but it did work and I'm happy he's eating them but i wish i could get him to eat the pinkie instead. i have him in a 10 gal tank full of hides can barely see substrate and a water dish hot side is 92 and cool side is about 76. i could put him in a smaller 1/2g cage but wouldn't really be room for anything then. the breeder said all of their snakes must voluntarily eat twice before they sell them. so my snake ate twice for the breeder thats it, then he was shipped overnight.
Bring up your cool side a bit. You can put him in a smaller enclosure until he eats. Who cares if everything is tight together? The snake doesn't. Everything to a snake is something to move over.

What's more important? Your snake eating or how much space is between the cage furnishings?

Pics/video of the egg whites being eaten. I remain skeptical.
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Old 11-18-14, 12:50 PM   #7
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Re: how to scent pinkie with egg whites??

not trying to insult your snake husbanry knowledge but if your new then maybe this will help. How are yo presenting the pinky is it F/T are you heating the F/t to warm. if you are not take the frozen thawed rap it in paper towel put it in a zip lock bag put it in boiling water for 5 minutes takeit out feel it to insure its luke warm then using a pair of tweezers put in front of your snake wiggle it around back an forth always giving your snake the head see if that works try to intice your snake into the strike once he does it your problem should be fixed. If not there are several reason for a snake not to eat take the snake to a vet they will help you.
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Old 11-18-14, 09:21 PM   #8
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Re: how to scent pinkie with egg whites??

I've heard scenting with frog legs works. I've yet to try it with my one young female but I do have frozen frog legs sitting in the freezer. Check out the frozen fish isle in some grocery stores and you might find some.
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Old 11-19-14, 09:27 AM   #9
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Re: how to scent pinkie with egg whites??

he will not open his mouth when he lunges toward the pinkie he just bluffs, I put it in cold water for 5mins then in almost boiling water for 10 and leave it in the enclosure overnight. closest vet to me is an hour and a half drive and with an already apparently stressed snake and my cars heat stopped working, im not taking the chance of stressing it to death...

I messed up while typing cool side is more like 80. im saying its cage is packed as in a good thing because hoggies like tight secure enclosure, as far as the pic/ video I don't have a camera or camera phone anymore so this is impossible all I know is I put egg whites in there and in the morning theyre gone and snake is fatter.

ill have to check grocery store for frog legs, I doubt they'll have it but maybe.
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Old 11-19-14, 09:30 AM   #10
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Re: how to scent pinkie with egg whites??

aaron s heres a video from youtube
if that snake does it in a video is it more believable that mine does it?
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