new guy with a few questions!
Hi everyone ill try to keep this short as I am new. My name is Josh and I just got my first ball python, a pinstripe lemon blast ball python! he is still a baby, and this is my first snake I've owed personally and taken care of, although when i was younger my dad had a ball python and two carpet pythons, but i was too young to really watch how he took care of them.
anyway my questions, when i got him a little over two weeks ago all was fine, i was handling him with no problem at all but then i went to vacation and since I've come back he has been in his cool hiding spot and hasn't moved at all. Is this because he's ready to shed? i fed him for the first time before i left, and when i tried to reach in slowly and just even pet him he hisses at me. So I've let him be but I'm not real sure where to go from here… if anyone can help id really appreciate it. My dad is very busy with my other siblings so i try to handle this by myself as much as possible.