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Old 04-08-14, 03:28 AM   #1
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Activity post feeding.

so last night was dinner time. hershey got his usual medium mouse which he took straight away with no problem. ( he is soon to be going up to large, once i've used up my stock)

This morning he is now up and about and climbing around in his viv for the last few hours. (which i have noticed he has been doing after feeds the last few times)

It's difficult to know if this is normal for him as i only took him on in Sept from a friend of a friend who hadn't kept any records, and had only been doing the bare minimum (and that's putting it kindly) Then in the first week of Nov he took himself off to the cool end for 4 1/2 months and has only started eating again in mid March.

Do any of you find your Kings are this active post feeding?
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Old 04-08-14, 08:19 AM   #2
EL Ziggy
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Re: Activity post feeding.

Welcome and best wishes V. My kings usually retreat to their warm side hides for a few days after they eat. I'm not sure how old or how large your king is but I have 2 yearlings (225g and 240g) and they will usually eat 2 medium (18g) mice per feeding (every 5-7 days). It's possible that yours is still hungry. You could try giving him a slightly larger meal.
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Old 04-08-14, 08:36 AM   #3
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Re: Activity post feeding.

He is 4ft 3in and at the last weigh in he was 580g (2 weeks ago) he is 3 1/2 years old (at least this is what I was told when I took him on back in Sept.I'm currently feeding 2 small med mice a week. I had to break up the feeds because he was trying to eat them both at once. He still had a visible bulge this morning. Albeit only slightly hence why I'm going to up him to large mice. He does go into his warm side after eating but usually by the next morning he is up and about.
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Old 04-08-14, 08:40 AM   #4
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Re: Activity post feeding.

Mine usually hides afterwards. Normally on the warm side. My female albino garter was out yesterday though, post feed. She normally retreats, this was the first time I've seen her do this. She was drinking water and climbing around.
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Old 04-08-14, 08:51 AM   #5
EL Ziggy
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Re: Activity post feeding.

At 580g two medium mice might not be enough. I usually offer 10-15% of the snakes body weight per feeding. I'd try giving him larger meals.
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Old 04-08-14, 09:02 AM   #6
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Re: Activity post feeding.

I think I'll order some larges tonight and see what he does. He is pretty active and about a lot of the time so it will be interesting to see if this is just how he is or if the increase in meal makes a difference.
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Old 04-08-14, 11:35 AM   #7
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Re: Activity post feeding.

I agree with EZ, he sounds hungry. Time to up the prey size.
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