Beardies and sheeding skin?
Ok Now this I'm dying to know yo know when beardies shed,is it like snakes for excample my cornsnake? Will he shed in one long peice or patchess?
How high does a beardies humidy have to be? When there grown do they have to have partners? I read they like company ( I question everything I read?)
Do they shed naturally or do they need help? What happens if it's not all gone? So you mean if my snake had coccadila(however you spell it) Does that mean my beardie(If I ever get on could contract it?
one last thing.. What is everyone mean when there talking about keeping your herp isolated for acouple of weeks? and what are you susposed to do during that time?:atom: :weeble: :hour: :2yellow: :hammer: :flick:
Kayla Young
1.2 Corns, 0.1 Ball python, 0.1.2 crested gecko's and 0.0.1 Bearded dragon