after seeing the discussion in another thread, I decided Persephone has had enough acclimating time for me to do a thorough inspection..(most handling before was minimal for cleanings, etc)..I was dismayed to see that she has what is almost definitely a case of scale rot...I'm not experienced with this since none of mine have ever had it here is the run-down, and specs..
mix of aspen/ replaced with paper towels
hot side 88, cool side 72-78 depending on time of day
humidity at 54% max...was around 35-40 until i put a humidifier in the room 3 days ago..
only had her 3 weeks, before that she was at petco
did this happen from something i did? or poor care at petco? i dont know how long something like this takes to develop?
I have given her a weak betadine bath, and used triple antibiotic ointment on her (no pain reliever)...should I wait to see what happens with her next shed and keep treating her at home? with the holidays and my husband being unexpectedly laid off through the holidays, I really cannot afford a vet visit right now...