It is beneficial for many species of lizard and tortoise to spend time outside whether permitting (temperature must be appropriate). Common sense applies to all. When you take your herp outside, it is not similar to taking a dog outside. You dont walk it down the street, tae it to the park, or allow it near other animals (such as dogs). Safety for both herp and other animals/people is first priority. Do not allow it near anything you know it shouldnt be such as questionable plants, etc. Many people use a harness to keep their animals, I myself allow my Iguana to spend about 12 hours a day outside in the summer in a large cage. You should always be careful when allowing people to visit with your herp, but especially be careful with herps and children. Again, you dont want your herp or person to get injured or stressed. Assess the situation and use your best judgement. If you are unsure about something, then do not do it. All in all, just use common sense and have alot of fun