Re: is this scale rot?
i had a snake who had a few 'delaminated' scales like above, caused by adhesive bandaging to an abscess. I only used that brand of bandaging once because of that. She hasnt shed yet since, but i am assuming it will be normal post-shed.
I had another snake with severe scale damage because she was outside all winter (in someone elses care, before i got her). In her case, many of the scales simply fell off due to an underlying mild infection of the skin. They also improved almost 100% after a shed.
I would agree that it doesnt look like scale rot, but ratehr just a 'bad hair day' for the snakes scale. As long as the entire scale isnt coming off (just a top, laminate portion) i wouldnt worry too much. Do a once over of your viv to make sure theres no tight spaces your snake could be squeezing through, damaging its skin.
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