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Old 05-05-13, 03:31 PM   #1
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Ackie, BTS, or Frillie?

I'm thinking about saving up for a blue tongued skink, an Ackie monitor, or a frilled lizard. What I'm looking for is a cool and intelligent lizard that I could interact with. Cost isn't the only concern I have, but it is a concern nonetheless. I hope it goes without saying that I'm going to consider any new addition VERY carefully and all that good stuff. So, what do you all think?
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Old 05-05-13, 03:38 PM   #2
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Re: Ackie, BTS, or Frillie?

Intelligent and Cool that you can interact with --> Ackie.

Blue tongued skinks are lame in my opinion so Its a biased vote. Tiny legs, funny looking body, slow....

Frilled dragons aren't definitely a bit more look don't touch. They can be a bit feisty.....
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Old 05-05-13, 03:39 PM   #3
Zoo Nanny
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Re: Ackie, BTS, or Frillie?

The biggest problem you may run into is the personality of any animal you take on. Some are interested and some are not. My BTS could care less if I'm there but will watch my bird or the tv. He's very gentle and is curious about what's going on around him but really doesn't want to interact. I've met other BTS that are complete opposites some are very interactive with people and others want nothing to do with people and will bite to avoid interaction. I can't comment on the ackies or frilled as I've never worked with them. What would you do if the animal you got didn't want to interact?
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Old 05-05-13, 03:46 PM   #4
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Re: Ackie, BTS, or Frillie?

Originally Posted by Zoo Nanny View Post
The biggest problem you may run into is the personality of any animal you take on. Some are interested and some are not. My BTS could care less if I'm there but will watch my bird or the tv. He's very gentle and is curious about what's going on around him but really doesn't want to interact. I've met other BTS that are complete opposites some are very interactive with people and others want nothing to do with people and will bite to avoid interaction. I can't comment on the ackies or frilled as I've never worked with them. What would you do if the animal you got didn't want to interact?
I'd still give it the care it needs and deserves. I have to say I'm more prepared for a defensive Frillie or Ackie than a defensive BTS.
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Old 05-05-13, 03:47 PM   #5
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Re: Ackie, BTS, or Frillie?

Originally Posted by boosh96 View Post
I'd still give it the care it needs and deserves. I have to say I'm more prepared for a defensive Frillie or Ackie than a defensive BTS.
What does this mean?
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Old 05-05-13, 03:52 PM   #6
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Re: Ackie, BTS, or Frillie?

That means I'd still care for the animal and give it the space it wants. What I meant by that, is that I'd be willing to care for any lizard I get, even if it is defensive, but it seems like I'd be more likely to wind up with a defensive Ackie or Frillie than a defensive BTS.
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Old 05-05-13, 03:55 PM   #7
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Re: Ackie, BTS, or Frillie?

Originally Posted by boosh96 View Post
That means I'd still care for the animal and give it the space it wants. What I meant by that, is that I'd be willing to care for any lizard I get, even if it is defensive, but it seems like I'd be more likely to wind up with a defensive Ackie or Frillie than a defensive BTS.
Frillies are the more likely to be aggressive, ackies more likely to be skittish, and BTS more likely to not give a s***.

I still think what you describe, is 100% bearded dragon. Especially since you haven't kept these advanced species before, and beardies are most likely to enjoy being held. I feel like you just don't want one because they are so common and you want something a bit more unique :P Give it a try. Get a few beardies, I don't think you will be disappointed. Even if you do get a tame ackie, they are very active species, they won't be doing any "chillin" typically.

A beardy will sit on your shoulder and fall asleep in your lap...
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Old 05-05-13, 03:39 PM   #8
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Re: Ackie, BTS, or Frillie?

I have had a frilly and an ackie, the ackie was verey sociable, could play fetch with him and really easy to look after. The frilly was a total psychopath, couldnt dare put him down or he would be off, would bite and tail whip at every opportunity.

Obviously this is only one animal of each species so no proof of anyhting really
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Old 05-05-13, 03:51 PM   #9
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Re: Ackie, BTS, or Frillie?

I had a Frilly and he was an a** lol. Very pretty lizards though.
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Old 05-05-13, 04:01 PM   #10
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Re: Ackie, BTS, or Frillie?

I've kept Beardies in the past, and I'll have to agree that they're just awesome lizards. However, I like the idea of an active lizard even more than the idea of a "chillin" lizard. I also like the idea of an Ackie because of the intelligence Varanids are known for. But heck, I may consider and wind up getting a Beardie. Who knows?

EDIT: I may wanna add that, yes, I also kinda like the idea of a more exotic lizard than a Beardie. :P
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Old 05-05-13, 04:02 PM   #11
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Re: Ackie, BTS, or Frillie?

Why not get an argentine tegu?
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Old 05-05-13, 04:06 PM   #12
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Re: Ackie, BTS, or Frillie?

Originally Posted by smy_749 View Post
Why not get an argentine tegu?
I'd LOVE an Argentine tegu, but I'm concerned about the long-term cost, as well as the space requirements and stuff, of keeping a BIG lizard.
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Old 05-05-13, 04:10 PM   #13
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Re: Ackie, BTS, or Frillie?

Ackies and frillies aren't cheap food wise either :P unless you get a big roach colony.
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Old 05-05-13, 04:15 PM   #14
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Re: Ackie, BTS, or Frillie?

Ackies (from what I could gather) are just a mini-monitor, almost like an Uromastyx that eats insects.

I've had frillies before. Very skittish, and can require a lot of vertical space as well as horizontal space.

Personally, I love BTS. They are very forgiving captives, they are a little laidback, but great for tolerating handling. You can even potty-train them to a degree.

IMHO, ackies may be the best option of your three choices: they are likely to be the most intelligent, interactive, and not TOO demanding on housing/care. Frillies can be great display lizards, but they require a lot of space and don't take excessive handling. BTS are easy to care for, but are almost like ball pythons with legs when it comes to intelligence/interaction.
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Old 05-05-13, 04:19 PM   #15
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Re: Ackie, BTS, or Frillie?

Originally Posted by StudentoReptile View Post
Ackies (from what I could gather) are just a mini-monitor, almost like an Uromastyx that eats insects.

I've had frillies before. Very skittish, and can require a lot of vertical space as well as horizontal space.

Personally, I love BTS. They are very forgiving captives, they are a little laidback, but great for tolerating handling. You can even potty-train them to a degree.

IMHO, ackies may be the best option of your three choices: they are likely to be the most intelligent, interactive, and not TOO demanding on housing/care. Frillies can be great display lizards, but they require a lot of space and don't take excessive handling. BTS are easy to care for, but are almost like ball pythons with legs when it comes to intelligence/interaction.

I guess its not just coincidence that I also hate BP's lol
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