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Old 03-28-13, 09:37 PM   #1
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Height of Enclosure for Savs

I was wondering, if Savannah Monitors are given a decent amount of climbing space do you think they would use it?

I was thinking about this because I've seen many pictures of Littlefoot or Cera on the Tree that is in their enclosure. If I were to build another one eventually I was thinking of adding 2 feet or so of height to the enclosure, I would add more dirt but it would still have about 3 and a half to 4 feet of air space which could be used.

I am not sure what would be put in the air space maybe a shelf for them to sit up on and more basking spots or a network of thick branches connected to the walls of the enclosure.
Maybe even a rocky mountain kind of thing starting below the dirt (so it can't be burrowed under) leading up towards a higher point in the enclosure. Maybe if done right there would be a small cave in the rocks.

With the height I wouldn't change the width or length it would just be an addition to the height.
So something like 8x4x6 or 12x6x6 kind of thing.

tl;dr Would a Sav use vertical space? and your experiences with seeing them use vertical space.
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Old 03-29-13, 02:49 AM   #2
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Re: Height of Enclosure for Savs

My current enclosure doesn't have alot of climbing space, but I am making my new one a bit higher to accomodate more climbing space because I believe he'll use it. I've seen my guy scale up the enclosure walls to try and get food, and he used to climb all over a little jungle gym I had placed in there at one time. This is just my personal experience with my one Savannah, but I think my guy will definately use the extra height.
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Old 03-29-13, 06:47 AM   #3
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Re: Height of Enclosure for Savs

I think the climbing space would get used. It's one thing I regret about my cage, I wish it was taller.
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Old 03-29-13, 08:58 AM   #4
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Re: Height of Enclosure for Savs

Originally Posted by infernalis View Post
I think the climbing space would get used. It's one thing I regret about my cage, I wish it was taller.
How hard would it be for you to remove the current ceiling and add more height to your enclosure? Is it one of the things that would be so tedious that you may as well build a larger enclosure overall than to add more height?

Also if the room their in is climate controlled than the size of the enclosure won't be a big issue. The only restriction would be the amount of space in the room.
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Old 03-29-13, 09:03 AM   #5
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Re: Height of Enclosure for Savs

The climate control would be the only issue I think. Keeping that height humidified and heated (remember all your heat will rise to the top) will be difficult, though not impossible of course.

They will definitely use the climbing height though. There was a member here recently who posted pictures from Ghana of adult savs up in the trees, and Daniel Bennett said that he has seen them up there multiple times also. Whatever space you give them, they will use it!
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Old 03-29-13, 09:10 AM   #6
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Re: Height of Enclosure for Savs

Originally Posted by jarich View Post
The climate control would be the only issue I think. Keeping that height humidified and heated (remember all your heat will rise to the top) will be difficult, though not impossible of course.

They will definitely use the climbing height though. There was a member here recently who posted pictures from Ghana of adult savs up in the trees, and Daniel Bennett said that he has seen them up there multiple times also. Whatever space you give them, they will use it!
I would plan to do it where it is insulated and in a climate controlled room.
If it is properly sealed with no leaks humidity shouldn't be a huge problem. Definitely harder than 4 feet tall but as you said, but definitely possible.

Also with vaulted ceilings the enclosure could be upwards of 8 feet high and be able to hold the lower part of a tree with branches, imagine having a section of a tree in the enclosure.
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Old 03-29-13, 09:16 AM   #7
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Re: Height of Enclosure for Savs

I would think that with that height you would probably want to go with around 3 feet of substrate. Something to consider is the floor you are putting it on. It would need to be very strong to support all that weight (substrate, large branches/trees, rocks etc)
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Old 03-29-13, 09:20 AM   #8
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Re: Height of Enclosure for Savs

I am not sure yet. this is more of a planned idea for when I buy a house within the next couple years. I figure I might as well upgrade Steve's cage to larger than 8x4x4 after I have a permanent place.

I would definitely have to make sure it would support it. Ideally it would be a garage that is insulated that way it has the solid concrete floor.
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