So as I said I am playing with substrates so your thread made me want to see if a King would be good on eco earth. I bought a bunch of stuff a few months back and got a huge bag tossed in. So I just did both my ball and my king with this stuff.
My king dug it all up and had a crap all within 10 min of going in. In king language this means " Lovin it !!"
My royal just lurked around a bit and went into his hide. He doesn't really care.
It looks nice and I will keep an eye on humidity.
Both are sitting around 85% now but the king is in a critter keeper and the ball is in pvc. So the kings viv will dry out considerably faster than the balls viv.
Oh yeah my standings day gecko got a new viv as well.
My son named this guy Mr Wiggles.
Sorry to the op but this isn't a hijack I just got currious about the same thing and thought what the heck