Here's a thread for admitting you have a reptile problem/addiction, and providing examples of said problem/addiction! Lol, I'll start the thread off with some examples. I'm sorry if a thread very similar to this has been done before, in which case feel free to delete this. ANYWAY.
You know you have a problem when...
-You can smell your snake's crap from half a mile away.
-You can't think of many things that are more fun than cleaning snake cages and listening to your stereo.
-Your closest friends and family are aware of your problem.
-You get one of your dream snakes-in my case, an Asian vine snake-and then plan out your next acquisition 5 to 10 minutes later. True story.
-While other normal teens have "normal people" insecurities such as their weight or appearance, you are insecure about whether your collection is interesting/cool enough.
-Your snakes mean as much to you as your dog(s), even though you know you don't mean CRAP to your snakes.
-You somehow managed to get your brother and your mom to baby-talk to your snakes just like you.
-The day every month that REPTILES Magazine arrives is like Christmas. And so is the day your snakes shed.
Please feel free to chime in!