My roommate is terrified of spiders. If she even thought I used one of the real cups she would freak...

But I'll attempt it tonight when they're active. They're fast buggers though and pick difficult corners to snag them...
Now I'm not sure, but I saw a BIGGER one in the corner we originally found it, so I'm thinking there may be more than one here, which is fully possible since I found a second (larger) baby.
I've got tall cups so hopefully I won't accidentally hurt them by trying to trap them under the cup...They move awfully fast and with all those trip wire like web lines and their sensitivity to vibrations they might know what's happening before I do it!
I'll admit I don't like spiders in 'my' areas, and usually any spider within the home gets killed (try to do so fast, so they don't suffer...), but any spider OUTSIDE is safe. Just the other night me and my roommate and a friend were walking on the concrete pathway into the dorms - one of them screams and jumps a little, pointing at the ground and stuttering like a little kid. I look and squint and there is a black blotch, bigger than a quarter, on the ground. I look a little closer and sure enough it's a spider of the wandering variety, or at least a typical 'outdoor' spider that doesnt normally venture inside houses. I scoff and tell them I'm not going to kill it. My roommate starts to panic and say 'Just kill it before it gets the chance to get into the dorms! Why won't you just kill it?!' in a rather huffy pissed off and panicked tone. I tell her that it's outside, not doing anyone any harm and this is a type of spider that typically stays outside, and that I refuse to kill it. They were already closer to the dorm room than they were to the spider, so I effectively kept walking and forced them down the narrow path.
It was a very pretty spider on that path, and I keep looking for it or signs of webs on the ground in the close vicinity. I've got a feeling it was a wolf spider of some sort, it was pretty big compared to the spiders I normally see around here. About the size of a male hobo spider, but too dark to be a hobo.
Ack, I've let myself rant again.... Summary, I'll try catching the false widows tonight, haha.