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Old 07-25-12, 09:56 AM   #1
Join Date: Apr-2012
Location: Wolverhampton
Posts: 71
a question for corn colour morphers

Hi a question for corn colour morphers!
one of my female Miami Bloodreds clutch has just hatched and this is what l've got,
some normal looking Bloods
some very high looking defused they might even be piebald?showing white along the flanks
some hypo and Amel
one that looks a bit like a snow corn
this is the females second clutch, the first one she had she produced some Amel bloods
the guy l bought her from Kev from Birmingham has produced some high white Bloods
but one thats got me confused is the snow corn looking one,looks really odd with the others
anybody got any idears
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Old 07-25-12, 10:17 AM   #2
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Re: a question for corn colour morphers

Funny thing a out Corns is a lot of times there are so many hidden hets. For me what started out a simple breeding project produced unexpected triple het aneries and quad het normals. Thats one of the many fun things about Corns.
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Old 07-25-12, 10:36 AM   #3
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Re: a question for corn colour morphers

Originally Posted by exwizard View Post
Funny thing a out Corns is a lot of times there are so many hidden hets. For me what started out a simple breeding project produced unexpected triple het aneries and quad het normals. Thats one of the many fun things about Corns.
For me its a real pain,l like to know what l'm going to get,so you can plan,everything Het for Het and it drives me up the wall,l've got some Kathy Love line Okeetees that just produce OKeetees and some snows that just produce snows,so when l sell l can give people guarantees as to their future offspring
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Old 07-25-12, 10:51 AM   #4
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Re: a question for corn colour morphers

Surprise hets are a bonus. Sell the visuals and if you have any recent history, sell those hets. The Aneries that my clutch produced was unexpected and once again, was a total bonus to me. I know now based on producing this clutch plus a little history on the parents that my Aneries are triple het for Amel, Bloodred and Motley while my Normals are quad het for Amel, Anery, Bloodred and Motley. Had I not bred these Corns, I wouldn't have known anything about the Anery gene.
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