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Old 07-11-12, 01:13 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul-2012
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Question What kind of snake is this?

My friend had to get rid of his snake due to his wife not wanting it. I have taken it from him but I know very little about snakes. He only had it for a few months because it was a gift given to him, so he doesnt know the exact breed. I'd like to now how big he will grow and possibly how old he could be along with any other valuable information I could use in keeping him. Thanks for any help.
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Old 07-11-12, 02:52 AM   #2
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Re: What kind of snake is this?

Looks like a "Jungle Carpet" python to me.

That is one incredible animal. Congrats.
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Old 07-11-12, 03:51 AM   #3
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Re: What kind of snake is this?

Yep. Very nice looking carpet you got there. They make great pets. They're curious and active and they're husbandry is simple as they normally don't require humidity, unless you live in a really dry area. Handled regularly, they're generally docile, although they have a pretty high feed mode. They typically make really awesome pets

We have a few much more experienced carpet owners here that can answer any questions you have about your new pet much better than I as I only have a few months experience with one I rehomed as an adult.

Oh, and welcome to the forum!
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Old 07-14-12, 05:16 AM   #4
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Re: What kind of snake is this?

Coastal or or coastal x jungle carpet python
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Old 07-14-12, 05:56 AM   #5
slainte mhath
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Re: What kind of snake is this?

a carpet python mate

without knowing what the parents were,its impossible to say exactly what kind

nice carpet none the less

they are easy to keep and a hardy species

cheers shaun
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Old 07-14-12, 06:31 PM   #6
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Re: What kind of snake is this?

thanks guys, hes about 4 feet. will he get much bigger? also he takes large frozen mice. How often should I feed and how many mice in order to make sure hes healthy and grows. Also, how often can I expect him to shed? Its been about 2.5 months since he had him and Ive had him with no shedding? Is that normal?
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Old 07-14-12, 06:43 PM   #7
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Re: What kind of snake is this?

Originally Posted by pongboy View Post
thanks guys, hes about 4 feet. will he get much bigger? also he takes large frozen mice. How often should I feed and how many mice in order to make sure hes healthy and grows. Also, how often can I expect him to shed? Its been about 2.5 months since he had him and Ive had him with no shedding? Is that normal?
re prey size
if possible,take a picture of him next to a sky tv remote,etc,it will give us an idea of how big he is

what age is he ?

do NOT give him anymore MICE.....

it can be very hard and time consuming,to change carpet pythons over to,rats,from mice

it takes an awfull lot of jumbo mice,to feed an adult carpet python mate,thats why its important to get carpets onto rats straight away

i have found out through keeping them and reading other keepers accounts,that the older they get,the harder it gets,to change them over onto rats

i put my carpets onto rats straight out the egg

carpets can grow anything from,the smaller size of 4ft to 4ft 5",right up to 10 to 14 feet (the large carpets being diamonds then coastals,14ft would be the largest of coastals though)

imo,your carpet will grow to,anything from,5ft to 7ft and roughly the girth of a coke can

they are great snakes to keep,always out and about in feeding mode,or hanging off a branch,good display snakes and a great feeding response

i must warn you...

they are very addictive

cheers shaun
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Old 07-14-12, 07:20 PM   #8
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Re: What kind of snake is this?

heres a stretched out picture of him. I'll try switching him to rats. I have a few mice left, do you think one mouse is enough for him?
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Old 07-14-12, 07:32 PM   #9
red ink
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Re: What kind of snake is this?

Originally Posted by pongboy View Post
heres a stretched out picture of him. I'll try switching him to rats. I have a few mice left, do you think one mouse is enough for him?

Up his prey intake, he looks a bit on the skinny side. I feed 15 - 20% of their body weight every 14-20 days. Mice or rats depends how you go with the switching but he does need a bit more food. Once you get a bit more size on him then go for the switch to rats.
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Old 07-15-12, 06:44 AM   #10
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Re: What kind of snake is this?

I feed my carpet rats taht are 3-4 times its girth on a 14/21 day schedule, tehy are monster feeders
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Old 07-15-12, 10:02 AM   #11
slainte mhath
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Re: What kind of snake is this?

for now i would feed him 2 or 3 mice,every 7 to 10 days,until your mice run out

then try him with a small weaner rat,if he takes that,feed him every 7 to 10 days,until he takes 4 feeds

then up him to a large weaner rat every 7 to 10 days

then take another picture and it will help us advise on his prey size

carpets can take prey items 2,3,4,times their girth

after they hit sub adult hood,i feed 1 large meal every 10 to 21 days

cheers shaun
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