Re: Nile Monitor rescue...have some questions.
I would use a combination coconut coir,sand and topsoil,topsoil in itself has bad qualities,dry it's like concrete,wet it gets muddy.Lots of people have good success with this mixture.If it's a small Nile under 18" i would have at least 8" substrate.What's the temp in the room it's kept,if it's cold insulating the sides of the aquarium is a good idea.Use a floodlight 50w at one end,preferably within the cage,at a distance you get a basking temp of around 130F,cool end including temp in substrate high 70's low 80's.Solid top very little ventilation,like simpleyork say lots of tight hiding spots,not caves.
What you are looking for are conditions that prevent dehydration and promote a good feeding response.Smaller younger individuals can and should eat a lot,give them whole prey items as much as they'll eat,and conditions described as above no need for special lighting.
The basking temp you can play around with,i think starting at 140F is too high,as long as it's above 115-120F,you can gradually increase it .You want to heat with the lowest possible wattage possible and might need more than one to get conditions right.Always choose more low wattage bulbs to one high wattage bulb.As long as you give it a range of temps and humidities,security,lots of food it will grow.The variable that might effect this is possible organ damage from the importation process and previous improper care,growth and vigor is a good sign.