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Old 05-06-12, 04:45 PM   #1
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Ball Python Lighting?

My ball stays in my room and I hate sunlight or any light really unless I'm outside. My windows are always covered and my lights are always off. The only light is from my computer and on occasion a night light for my german shepherd.
Will this be a problem for the python? does he need any lighting to simulate day time?
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Old 05-06-12, 04:50 PM   #2
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Re: Ball Python Lighting?

They should really have a day/night schedule in my opinion, always be sure that direct sunlight cannot enter their enclosure tho as it could cook the snake
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Old 05-06-12, 04:55 PM   #3
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Re: Ball Python Lighting?

Originally Posted by Lankyrob View Post
They should really have a day/night schedule in my opinion, always be sure that direct sunlight cannot enter their enclosure tho as it could cook the snake
How would I go about that? I was directed by just about every Ball Python breeder at the Denver convention told me to keep him in a sweater box, no mesh tops.
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Old 05-06-12, 04:57 PM   #4
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Re: Ball Python Lighting?

Even with a plastic tub they would tell teh difference between light and dark outside the tub
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Old 05-06-12, 05:46 PM   #5
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Re: Ball Python Lighting?

Is the tub clear plastic?
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Old 05-06-12, 08:13 PM   #6
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Re: Ball Python Lighting?

The tub you keep him in should be a clear tub. He needs to be able to tell if it's day or night, yes. Maybe you can move him to the living room or a different room that actually gets light during the day? It's also not a bad thing to have natural light in your room for yourself! The light of a computer in darkness can be bad for your eyes. Just a kind-hearted suggestion
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Old 05-06-12, 08:48 PM   #7
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Re: Ball Python Lighting?

Oh I'm not on my computer much, I mean I have been lately but normally it's just dark in here besides what passes through the blinds. And I'm usually out with the horses or cleaning around the house. He's not allowed anywhere but in my room, he scares my mom lol.
Yes the tub is clear. I just don't have strong lighting, my lightbulbs are dim and gradually go on but to save energy and money I'm usually told to keep them off. Should he have a separate light of his own?
I have a couple friends with ball pythons and they've said that they were told the lighting wasn't real important with them and they've both had theirs for a good 5years + without much lighting.
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Old 05-06-12, 08:53 PM   #8
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Re: Ball Python Lighting?

Originally Posted by Suess View Post
Oh I'm not on my computer much, I mean I have been lately but normally it's just dark in here besides what passes through the blinds. And I'm usually out with the horses or cleaning around the house. He's not allowed anywhere but in my room, he scares my mom lol.
Yes the tub is clear. I just don't have strong lighting, my lightbulbs are dim and gradually go on but to save energy and money I'm usually told to keep them off. Should he have a separate light of his own?
I have a couple friends with ball pythons and they've said that they were told the lighting wasn't real important with them and they've both had theirs for a good 5years + without much lighting.
They just need some light to have a "day/ night" cycle as rob mentioned. Whether if you provide them with that light or if they receive the natural lighting from your home makes no real difference. If the room they are in is well lit up during the day and dark at night that will suffice. Any other lighting is mostly for our viewing pleasure.

Again, as rob said, don't put them in direct sunlight.
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Old 05-06-12, 08:55 PM   #9
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Re: Ball Python Lighting?

Alright. His tub sits on my wood chest and its off to the side of my window, if I open that during the day would that be okay?
And not trying to argue or anything, but what does the day/night cycle do for them?
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