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Old 04-19-12, 01:27 PM   #1
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Help with custom ball python enclosure

Alright this is my first post on this forum and wanted to know a couple thing first is a 4x2x2 enclosure good for a baby ball python all the way until he grows to adult. Secondly what is the best material for the enclosure I heard melamie 3/4 inch thick is the best but heard plywood exterior grade is also good what do you guys recommend and do I need silicone for the corners and will high humidity make the wood mold thank you guys for the answers ASAP
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Old 04-22-12, 04:08 PM   #2
Edmond Y
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Re: Help with custom ball python enclosure

3/4'' melamie will be very heavy for a 4'x2'x2' cage, seal melamie itself is not a easy task. Silicone sealed corner will still get mold because of the hunidity. I do suggest you get a good used plastic cage at this sizem very often people sell them for cheap.

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Old 04-22-12, 04:17 PM   #3
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Re: Help with custom ball python enclosure

4x2x2 i feel is waaay to big for a baby, and some will say too big for an adult, some will say its good for an adult (lankyrob i believe has his in a 4x2x2) i have mine in a 3x12x18, humidity stays pretty good and heat stays in great, they are made with melamine sealed with silicone.

they work good, they look good, but i hate them... they are heavy as crap, and bulky. IF you only have 1-3 Balls, they will be fine, i have 8 (snakes) in them seperatly of course...

my advice, if you have 1 or so, build you a nice 4x2x2 and keep it as a decor piece...

if you are looking to get more than 3 or so, i would invest in a rack.. just my .02
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Old 04-22-12, 04:34 PM   #4
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Re: Help with custom ball python enclosure

I put a baby straight into a 4x2x2 with no issues at all, i did cover around 80-90% of the floor space with hides and large pieces of bark so that he can hide and thermoregulate with out exposing himself.

The viv itself is melamine, it is heavy but i have a very buggered spine and i can carry it with another person with no issue. I have sealed every joint with silicon sealant and have had no mould in two years of the viv being set up.
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Old 04-22-12, 04:41 PM   #5
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Re: Help with custom ball python enclosure

Originally Posted by Lankyrob View Post
I put a baby straight into a 4x2x2 with no issues at all, i did cover around 80-90% of the floor space with hides and large pieces of bark so that he can hide and thermoregulate with out exposing himself.

The viv itself is melamine, it is heavy but i have a very buggered spine and i can carry it with another person with no issue. I have sealed every joint with silicon sealant and have had no mould in two years of the viv being set up.
i thought i said, if you cover about 85% of the floor space to make sure he has hiding spaces, a baby should be fine... i must of forgot to add that part :P
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Old 04-22-12, 05:01 PM   #6
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Re: Help with custom ball python enclosure

Originally Posted by Lankyrob View Post
I put a baby straight into a 4x2x2 with no issues at all, i did cover around 80-90% of the floor space with hides and large pieces of bark so that he can hide and thermoregulate with out exposing himself.

The viv itself is melamine, it is heavy but i have a very buggered spine and i can carry it with another person with no issue. I have sealed every joint with silicon sealant and have had no mould in two years of the viv being set up.
I like this idea and will prob use it myself in the future. Previously, when I acquired a young reptile and put them into a large enclosure (one that would be suitable for their adult size) I would insert a wooden divider. That way they only have access to half the tank.

And 4x2x2 is a generous size for an adult BP. That's what I keep mine in. If you plan on expanding your collection, you may want to go smaller as someone else had already suggested.
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Old 04-22-12, 04:40 PM   #7
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Re: Help with custom ball python enclosure

I put my Royal as a baby into a 4x2x1.5 He was more than fine. I just made sure he had many hides and things to cover with if/when he wanted to. I never had any issues. I built mine out of 3/4 oak plywood and sealed it up with a whey poly sealer. Here are some pics..
Vivs pictures by KAMacie - Photobucket
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