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Old 04-08-12, 11:06 PM   #1
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Custom cages

My dad agreed to help me build a cage for Zeus, but my mom (who told me no snake is ever allowed in her house and wanted nothing to do with it when I got Penelope) is now insisting that we build 2 that are the same size and stack on top of each other.

What size should I make them if one is for a milksnake and the other for a BRB?

Also, it looks like the best opening is one where the glass part opens towards you, right?

Any suggestions will be much appreciated.

And sorry if there already is a thread like this, I know it annoys some members when there's multiples, but I have pretty bad ADHD and searching just gets too overwhelming for me...
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Old 04-08-12, 11:09 PM   #2
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Re: Custom cages

Have an opening that is like a sliding glass window.

There really isn't such a thing as an enclosure that is "too large" as long as it is well thought out. You can make it as large as you'd like as long as your main focus is on what's inside. Lots of clutter and places to hide will help your snake feel comfortable. Remember, your snakes want to be able to move around in the enclosure without being seen.
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Old 04-08-12, 11:11 PM   #3
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Re: Custom cages

Originally Posted by BarelyBreathing View Post
Have an opening that is like a sliding glass window.

There really isn't such a thing as an enclosure that is "too large" as long as it is well thought out. You can make it as large as you'd like as long as your main focus is on what's inside. Lots of clutter and places to hide will help your snake feel comfortable. Remember, your snakes want to be able to move around in the enclosure without being seen.
I guess I want big enough and then a little extra, but not too big so it's a hassle to move and takes up too much space. Ya know?
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Old 04-09-12, 12:03 AM   #4
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Re: Custom cages

2 foot tall, 3 feet wide, when stacked = 4 feet tall.

just build a double decker.
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Old 04-10-12, 08:49 PM   #5
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Re: Custom cages

Originally Posted by infernalis View Post
2 foot tall, 3 feet wide, when stacked = 4 feet tall.

just build a double decker.
Or a tripple...

Some "stacks" I have built to give you ideas Trollbie.

Three stack (most recent)

Display stacks (I have two identical stacks of these)

Old double stack (no longer in use and waiting to get dismantled)

Old cube stack (no longer with me, used to house my gex in the four cubes above and a spotted python at the bottom)

All the stacks are one peice stacks by the way
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Old 04-09-12, 12:18 AM   #6
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Re: Custom cages

My dad is thinking 4x2x2 would be good. I think that's good too since I just read that BRBs need 4-6 sq ft as adults, and that would give him 8 sq ft. And it'd be perfect for Penelope too.

My dad was concerned about ventilation though. I sent him a picture of Kat's enclosure that she built (I hope that she doesn't mind) and she has those circle vent things. He doesn't think that's enough ventilation.
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Old 04-09-12, 06:42 AM   #7
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Re: Custom cages

If you have glass sliding doors there is a gap between them that allows air to flow freely, my 4x2x2 foot vivs only have two 3inch diameter vents in them and i have no issues at all.

Also with the BRB needing high humidity the less air flow the better
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Old 04-09-12, 12:31 PM   #8
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Re: Custom cages

Originally Posted by Lankyrob View Post
If you have glass sliding doors there is a gap between them that allows air to flow freely, my 4x2x2 foot vivs only have two 3inch diameter vents in them and i have no issues at all.

Also with the BRB needing high humidity the less air flow the better
I don't think we're gonna sliding doors. I think we're going to use piano hinges and have the front open outward like Gungirl did hers.

Is it better to use plexiglass? I'd rather use plexi than real glass
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Old 04-10-12, 07:45 PM   #9
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Re: Custom cages

plexi will scratch and will need replacing eventually because the heat and humidity imght make it hazy and you should definitely use sliding glass doors they will be much more secure
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Old 04-10-12, 07:47 PM   #10
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Re: Custom cages

I had a friens who puilt this giant show cage for all his animals. it had about 30 seperate cages. he used piano hinges and plexi. Every one of his snakes got out (most were corns milks bp etc). If you use plexi it HAS to be reinforced with metal
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Old 04-10-12, 07:49 PM   #11
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Re: Custom cages

Originally Posted by beardeds4life View Post
I had a friens who puilt this giant show cage for all his animals. it had about 30 seperate cages. he used piano hinges and plexi. Every one of his snakes got out (most were corns milks bp etc). If you use plexi it HAS to be reinforced with metal
Hmmm... I'm gonna have to ask Gungirl
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Old 04-11-12, 05:21 AM   #12
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Re: Custom cages

Originally Posted by infernalis View Post
2 foot tall, 3 feet wide, when stacked = 4 feet tall.

just build a double decker.
Great size advice.. I would go with this ^^

Originally Posted by beardeds4life View Post
plexi will scratch and will need replacing eventually because the heat and humidity imght make it hazy and you should definitely use sliding glass doors they will be much more secure
I have never had an issue with the heat or humidity making it hazy and I also have no issues with scratches. Just don't clean the window with an abrasive cleaner. Plexi if used right is just as secure as glass and if it breaks it will crack not shatter.

Originally Posted by beardeds4life View Post
I had a friens who puilt this giant show cage for all his animals. it had about 30 seperate cages. he used piano hinges and plexi. Every one of his snakes got out (most were corns milks bp etc). If you use plexi it HAS to be reinforced with metal
You do NOT need to reinforce it with metal you just need to know how to build it. I have all mine with wood frame plexi glass doors that open with piano hinges and none of mine could get out no matter how hard they try.

Originally Posted by Trollbie View Post
Hmmm... I'm gonna have to ask Gungirl
Lol.. thanks for the confidence in my building skills. I did a lot of research prior to building my vivs. I wouldn't change anything about them. For your snakes go with the size Wayne suggested it will be more than large enough. As for vents you need to let your dad know that to much air flow can be more of an issue than not enough most times. Snakes don't require a ton of air and if you have to many vents you will not be able to maintain the heat and humidity you need to maintain. The piano hinge makes life very easy for me, I don't like sliding doors at all for the cleaning factor. If I want to open my entire viv up I don't have to deal with a sliding door being in my way. I just flip my door down. The sliding door vs hinged door is all just personal preference though.They both will work I just prefer the hinged door. If you need/want any other advice feel free to PM me again I am not checking the forum anymore.
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Old 04-10-12, 07:50 PM   #13
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Re: Custom cages

i just build about 8 cages... (2) 4x2x2 and (6) 3x18x12 i made mine out of melemine wood, and sliding glass doors, if i did it over again, i would for sure do what gun girl did...

i do feel that sliding doors are safer and less escapes, just my opinion...i had my BRB in a 4x2x2 and it was nice... hard to keep humidity up, and i just had (4) 3'' vents.... sliding doors, with no gap... had to add a humidity box and big dish for water.

good luck though, and make sure you post pics.
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Old 04-10-12, 07:54 PM   #14
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Re: Custom cages

Originally Posted by DeEuGi View Post
i just build about 8 cages... (2) 4x2x2 and (6) 3x18x12 i made mine out of melemine wood, and sliding glass doors, if i did it over again, i would for sure do what gun girl did...

i do feel that sliding doors are safer and less escapes, just my opinion...i had my BRB in a 4x2x2 and it was nice... hard to keep humidity up, and i just had (4) 3'' vents.... sliding doors, with no gap... had to add a humidity box and big dish for water.

good luck though, and make sure you post pics.
This won't happen for a while. My dad and I are just thinking ahead so we can keep an eye out for sales and such. But I'll for sure post pics after it's done
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Old 04-10-12, 07:59 PM   #15
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Re: Custom cages

ahh, gotcha!!
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