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Old 02-09-12, 12:07 AM   #1
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Question Heating question plus boa cabinet!

Hey so i decided to add a third floor to my boa cabinet,I previously used it for storage but thought i should give them more room.The bottom floor
will have repti bark tommorow ran out of time to get it tonight.

I also added a very large branch to climb on. I treated it before putting it in.

Ok so I have a few question`s.first is heating i would really like to change my heating so i can dial it in perfectly.Curently i am using 1 100w infared 24h and a heat lamp for 12h.I also have a heat mat on the second floor wich keep`s the hide there around 85f.

My heat ranges are a bit low Since it is winter it is alot harder to keep
it proper.I also have a reptifoger on the top ...but it stoped working.....
i bought 2 and 1 broke on the first day second one just broke tonight....

Anyway sorry for making this so long.But what would you guy`s suggest for a good heatsource? i am thinking heat rope or mat`s.

heat on top floor 79f
heat on middle 76f
bottom floor 74f

keep in mind there are basking spot`s that get 95+f.

Here are the picture`s oh and the plant in there is live.
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Old 02-09-12, 08:09 AM   #2
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Re: Heating question plus boa cabinet!

It's a really nice enclosure- how are the snakes moving between the floors, may I ask? Or is each floor a separate cage?

One thing to note- your ambient temps are too low. Even with a basking spot of 95, the ambient air temps should not be below 80. You should have your hot area or 95, your ambient air in the warm end around 85-90 and 80-ish in the cool end.

To that end, I'd suggest radiant heat panels for additional heating sources. They are not cheap, but they are by far the safest and most energy-efficient source. They can be placed directly in the cage and affixed to the ceiling or high on a wall. You will need thermostats to control them, but if you have one on each floor, you should be able to control a nice gradient.
Dr. Viper
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Old 02-09-12, 08:10 AM   #3
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Re: Heating question plus boa cabinet!

Also, if you have a different snake on each floor, then each floor needs to have the temperature gradient of high basking area, and cooler area.
Dr. Viper
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Old 02-09-12, 12:18 PM   #4
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Re: Heating question plus boa cabinet!

yes i know my temp`s are low that`s what i am working on now.
I was wondering what the best heat source would be.
i was thinking heat rope but i will check out these heat panel`s

and all of the floor`s are open there is a hole in the middle floor leading to the bottom with branches to go up and down. and the top floor is just a shelf. it is all one terrarium.
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Old 02-09-12, 10:43 PM   #5
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Re: Heating question plus boa cabinet!

thats neat but isnt it a bit small for an adult boa?
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Old 02-09-12, 11:08 PM   #6
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Re: Heating question plus boa cabinet!

What kind of boa is in there?
Originally Posted by A Whimsical Observer
A seed is a tiny plant, in a box, with its lunch.
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Old 02-10-12, 12:35 AM   #7
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Re: Heating question plus boa cabinet!

there is a colombian redtail and an argentine boa .

both under 2 year`s old so there is plenty of space.The cabinet is 6 foot tall 2 and a half wide and deep it is definetly big enough for now.i am currently working on the second cabinet that i will attache to this one it is idendicle so it will be one huge unit.
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Old 02-10-12, 09:21 PM   #8
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Re: Heating question plus boa cabinet!

i just went and spent a good 40$ and got a light and some nice substrate.

here are some pic`s and some to show how they move troughout the enclosure. i am very happy how it turned out!

oh and i heard from zoo-med today they are sending me 2 new fogger`s!
great customer service they have over there!
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Old 02-10-12, 09:24 PM   #9
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Re: Heating question plus boa cabinet!

Watch out for that heat lamp. Even if the bulb is covered the shade gets really hot
Sage Riddle Finch
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Old 02-10-12, 10:24 PM   #10
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Re: Heating question plus boa cabinet!

Did you cut the holes through the wooden "planks" yourself so they'd all connect? that's a pretty neat idea! Also, is the bottom level (the newest one) going to stay with wooden doors or will you change it to see-through doors or some sort? I'd figure it'd be dark down there
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Old 02-10-12, 10:50 PM   #11
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Re: Heating question plus boa cabinet!

hey the heat lamp is 75 watt i could put my hand on it with it burning abit but definetly not a instant burn. if you think it`s still not a good idea maybe i will cover it then.

yes i cut all the hole`s myself i will be making the bottom hole bigger this weekend.

this cabinet is a complete diy cabinet! total cost is 400$ including snake`s
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Old 02-10-12, 11:08 PM   #12
Boa Boy Roy
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Re: Heating question plus boa cabinet!

Ok, I'll bite. Is it "on" to have a Colombian and an Argie sharing a cage? I definitely agree you'll have the room for it with the addition, but 2 really good-sized boas sharing an enclosure? Is that "cool?" Lol If so, I think Lucy will be getting a roommate, a nice boy from Suriname perhaps.
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Old 02-10-12, 11:29 PM   #13
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Re: Heating question plus boa cabinet!

Hey yes i know this isn`t exactly advised.But i did alot of reading and
alot of people seem to do this,I know of one women who has 2 11 foot argentine`s together for year`s in a very big custom enclosure that actually is half outdoors into there own sunroom .

But i wouldn`t say yes it`s safe and go ahead and do it but ill say i have done this and have experienced no problem`s .Both snake`s are in amazing condition and shed very reagulary every month in full one peice.

they have regular bowl movement`s and eat very readily .
They have never refused a meal.I feed both snake`s seperate.
the snake`s are often found curled up together sleeping.

i can show you plenty of picture`s of them sleeping very close together .
i even found the smaller argentine male curled up in a wall of the big snake almost like a nest type thing .

they have 3 different floor`s so they can go to different place`s hide`s and basking spot`s.

with the other cabinet this will add double the space! and with the price it cost me if i have to build somthing much bigger trust me i will
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Old 02-10-12, 11:37 PM   #14
Boa Boy Roy
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Re: Heating question plus boa cabinet!

Ok, now some critics would say "They're nit exactly "cuddling," but trying to occupy the best spit in the house. How does it work at feeding time? What if there's a problem with their stool? How will you know which snake to treat?" Etc. Etc

I only ask because my wife for the longest time has wanted a Suri in with Lucy, and I've been vehemently opposed to the idea. So, I did research lime you're doing, and those were all the issues brought up to me.

I'm very happy it's been working so well for ya! That's awesome!
"The question is do we allow the government to take our property rights away from us based on unfounded manipulations from a special interest group?" ~ Erika N. Chen-Walsh, President, U.S. Help Alliance
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Old 02-10-12, 11:46 PM   #15
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Re: Heating question plus boa cabinet!

oh trust me i know they are not cuddling. they are emotionless snake`s
but i have plenty of different space`s for them to go to. but even when one leave`s a spot the other usually follow`s.

as for the stool`s
they are 2 different size`s so it is easy to tell them apart.
they will be 2 different size`s for quite awhile the male will grow slower then the female so it will work out good for awhile.
and when they are close to the same size, well i guess i will cross that bridge when i get to it.even if that mean`s 2 different enclosure`s

oh yeah and feeding time is pretty simple. i take one out and leave one in . both alway`s fed seperate.
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