Re: Sick Ball Python
Welcome. I too am so sorry to hear about your situation. I would definitely say to separate the two, and for the future it's always better to house each snake separately. We humans are social animals that appreciate and need company, but snakes do much better if they have their own space. Housing two snakes together can lead to competition for favorite spots and stress and illness, because the stress lowers their immunity. Plus, if one snake is sick the other will likely catch whatever the first one has. Just something to keep in mind.
Now on to your immediate issue: What medicine has your veterinarian prescribed? How often are the shots and what dosage is it? Also, what are the temperatures in your cage? When a snake is sick, oftentimes raising the temps about 5-8 degrees and raising humidity can help encourage the immune system. For a BP, that would be raising the cage to about 95 in the hot spot and 85 on the cool end. And if you do a night-time temperature drop, eliminate that in the sick snake's cage. At this point, if she is not responding to treatment, I would say to ask your vet to do a culture to determine what bacteria you are dealing with. Some bacteria do not respond well to certain drugs. It is also possible, although less likely, that what your snake has is viral and not bacterial. That would require a different course of treatment. Best of luck, and keep us posted. Feel free to pm me if you have any more questions. I've had a fair amount of experience with RIs when I first started keeping snakes, and have learned some home remedies that often help head them off or supplement medical treatment.
Dr. Viper