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Old 09-22-10, 08:07 PM   #1
Formerly Lil_Boa
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tattoo idea, update/help/ideas.....

okay guys, its been a few weeks of thinking about my tattoo idea, and i have came up with something!!!

as of now, i have a black cross on my right arm, it was a cover up of a very bad tattoo i got when i was a kid, thats why it looks crooked... because it is!! lol

any way, im not the most religious type (dont get mad, offended, or tell me other wise please) any way, its black and supose to look like stone it is a horrbile pic, but it give you all the idea! was going to edit myself out, but my pc is a p.o.s and wont load the pic to edit!!

the 2nd pic is just a rough sketch of the idea i had. its a snake wrapped around the cross, incase the pic dont show... i just drew it up really quick, so again, dont judge... please.

so my idea is to get a snake around my cross like the pic ( but better ) lol. my idea is... i want realistic coloring, but a tradition ball python is black and brown and im scared it will all sort of blend together... so my thinkin was to get the coloring of a Albino (fav.snake) so that it will contrast aginst the black cross.....

i am getting this tattoo as a sign of the medical feild, snakes are a big hobby/passion of mine, and snake is a sign of good health.

any input, please help!! thanks!!
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Old 09-22-10, 10:58 PM   #2
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Re: tattoo idea, update/help/ideas.....

I do your BRB. I bet that would really be sweet.
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Old 09-22-10, 11:53 PM   #3
Formerly Lil_Boa
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Re: tattoo idea, update/help/ideas.....

thats also i good idea... i would just be scared that would blend in a lil too much....

options are still open though i do like that, i will throw some color on my lil drawing and see
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Old 09-23-10, 05:25 AM   #4
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Re: tattoo idea, update/help/ideas.....

It be hard to tattoo a lighter color over the cross because, the black would bleed threw. With your BRB it should be easier to blend them together. I would take a picture of each to a tattoo shop and ask them which they think would work the best and look best when finished.
Boas: 1.0 Pastel, 2.2 Brazilian Rainbows Pythons: 0.1 Lesser Royal, The Carpets 2.0 Jungle, 1.0 Jungle x Jag, 0.1 Tiger Jag, 0.1 Coastal Cheers Chuck
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Old 09-23-10, 09:15 AM   #5
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Re: tattoo idea, update/help/ideas.....

Trying to lighten an area is pretty much impossible. I'm sure there are ways to incorporate a snake around it, but going over the top doesn't work unless its darker than the tattoo already there.
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Old 09-23-10, 10:42 AM   #6
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Re: tattoo idea, update/help/ideas.....

I agree with glitter - covering black is almost impossible - when coverups are done they need to use a stronger colour so that it shows through instead of what is there already - you cant really get stronger colour than black.
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Old 09-23-10, 12:56 PM   #7
Formerly Lil_Boa
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Re: tattoo idea, update/help/ideas.....

I agree with what you guys are saying.... the black would show through if I got the albino coloring done, where as maybe my brb would be easier to get it with the black comjg through.... very good advise guys, thanks! So I'm leaning towarss ky brb coloring.
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Old 09-23-10, 01:01 PM   #8
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Re: tattoo idea, update/help/ideas.....

Best bet would to be go with a really dark colored or even black snake & even then it will be a challenge & will require a talented artist.
They might even recommend getting parts of that lasered first to make it lighter as well before even wanting to attempt to tattoo over it.
Too bad you didn't wait longer as now you are working over top of 2 old tattoos, not just one, Mark
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Old 09-23-10, 03:06 PM   #9
Formerly Lil_Boa
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Re: tattoo idea, update/help/ideas.....

Well I like the cross... a cross with the snake is a sign for the medical field, pitch I am being a nurse.... I just didst think about the snake at the time I got the cross.... maybe I could get it so most of the snake is behind the cross and just have like 2 spots over the cross? any ideas on what else to do with the two?
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