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Old 04-21-09, 02:15 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr-2009
Posts: 7
sand boa

hi all! ive had my sand boa (suze) for over a month now he's an adult not sure his exact age. he settled in fine and eat the first week i had him but since then he just wont eat, tonight he opened his mouth as if he was about to grab the mouse but then changed his mind. anyone had any problems with sand boas? or can give me any pointers?
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Old 04-22-09, 10:43 AM   #2
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Re: sand boa

When I got my sand boa, he gave me some problems with feeding. From all my research, I understand they have very low metabolisms, especially males. I have even read of sand boas going off food for 4 mos. or even in one case 8 mos., but now that spring is approaching he should be getting hungry more readily.

Mine didn't eat for 2 mos. when I first got him. He's a Saharan. He had only been fed live mice. He didn't eat for 2 months and had 2 shed cycles. The girl who had been taking care of him, I think was trying to feed him mice that were too large, and described him as a difficult snake. Personally, I think sand boas weren't her specialty. Every week, I'd offer and still no response. Finally, I decided to strike out on my own and got a mouse that was quite small, about the girth of his body(much smaller than the ones I had offered in the past). Maybe you should try a smaller meal. I am not sure what size you are trying to feed him and not sure what your husbrandry is. Also, are feeding in the cage or outside? I prefer inside, and I think they like the security of being hidden before the attack.

Mine is also very shy and doesn't like me to watch, so I just leave the mouse in for a while at night and check on him periodically to ensure his safety.

His second meal is coming up on saturday(2 weeks later) and I hope he eats, but I wouldn't worry too much if he doesn't take it. They are so hardy. I hope this helps and confirms any concerns. Btw, it's soooo nice there are other sand boa ppl out there. We seem to be less active than the other forums.
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Old 04-23-09, 06:43 AM   #3
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Re: sand boa

thanks for the pointers thats a great help, they are quite secretive creatures and people prefur a lively active snake but i think there beautifull snakes. i told my sister he's actually quite cute!!! she really didnt understand how a snake could be cute!!! i feed mine on half grown mice which is no bigger than his girth, he is rather large for a male almost 2 feet! thanks again fellow sand boa keeper!!!
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Old 04-24-09, 05:16 PM   #4
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Re: sand boa

It's sounds like the meal size is great! Yeah, I feel like I love mine like a mother. I think he's adorable. I have a striped corn now and in my husbands words - he thinks the sand boa is cuter because he looks like a cute little "sausage". Not the words I would use but funny nonetheless. Pleasure helping you hopefully. By the way, what kind of sand boa do you have and how often do you handle him?
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Old 04-26-09, 03:43 AM   #5
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Re: sand boa

haha cute little sausage!!! mines a kenyan sand boa i handle him maybe 3 times a week, he's very tame and i can dig him out when he's hiding and he never acts intimidated or goes for me. i also have a corn snake he's a cali corn called barry!!
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Old 04-26-09, 09:30 AM   #6
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Re: sand boa

Kenyan's are beautiful. My saharan is the same way...very tame and goes with the flow. I am so excited b/c last night for the first time I was able to watch him feed...right on schedule(2 weeks). He really went for that mouse and the funny thing was that he didn't even hide under the substrate to hunt. He was very exposed on top and just went for it. I just felt like saying proudly, "that's my boy." When do you plan on trying to feed Suze again? I know you were you having issues.

I have a striped corn. He's just been in his new home 3 days and he's about a year(20 - 22 inches) He's very shy though - spending most of his time in his hides. I am sure he is just adjusting. Did you corn do that in the early stages of having him too?

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