You all were the childish ones. ive been far from it. But I dont appreciate being attacked rather than "helped".
thats what is childish as hell.
I knew everything and have been doing everything everyone has told me except the chicken thing. but noone cares to know that cuz they dont know how to or care to read.
I will listen to good advice if its not something im not already doing and is offered in a helpful way. ive yet to get any of that.
a care sheet it turned out id already read no less. i have like 100 in my bookmarks ive read.
Detailed Blue Tongue Skink Caresheet - BlueTongueSkinks.NET
this tells u that skinks are prone to dropping them. so obv its a specific reptile not an individual thing!
Or at least both! but makes the most sense to me that it would be breed specific.