Uromastyx! Uromastyx!!!
I'm looking for the following uromastyx,
1.0 somalian uro(U.macfadyeni)
1.1 red saharan uros(U.geyri)
1.1 moroccan uros(U. acanthinirus)
1.1 rainbow uros(U.benti)
If you have any of these species and can no longer keep them please try me first!
I can pay cash or trade.
Rhonda (705)799-0673 or send PM/email
2.2 uro geyri 1.1 uro ornatus 0.1 uro macfadyeni 2.1 uro maliensis 0.1 poodle 1.0 chi-poo 0.1 norwiegan elkhund/border collie kakariki parakeet