animals do that some time.. just make sure all your husbrandy is correct, and you are feeding the right size.. you gecko should be fine if everything is correct. if not then there was an underlying condition.
you know nothing about the housing that the gecko is being kept in. how can you say lizardoking is screwing something up... so everytime my animals dont eat im doing something wrong. i just had a ball that didnt eat for 6 months.. what was i screwing up there... many top breeders have animals that dont eat.. since you seem to know everything.. what are they doing wrong..
im not trying to be mean. i just want you to realise you cant make assumptions on how something is being kept.. housing is not the only reason herps dont eat.. parasites, stress, or frankly there just not hungry, could even be just the time of season that the animal doesnt wanna eat... before you say that the keeper is doing something you must find more info... or your just gonna screw them up..
p.s. lizardoking... more info on temps cage ect ect.. would be helpful
enough animals. finally lowerd my herp collect to 40