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Old 01-11-06, 12:01 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan-2004
Location: Lakeside, Ontario
Age: 45
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Building an enclosure.

Hi everyone,

I have a crazy amount of 1/4" glass here at the house and I'd like to construct a very large enclosure for my frogs. I have a few questions. If I use some wood, what do I seal the wood with so it won't rot? And what can I use to attach the ends of the glass with, like an aquarium. Just Silicone? I want it to be very sturdy.

Much thanks,
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Old 01-26-06, 07:12 PM   #2
Join Date: Mar-2005
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Glass enclosers, such as the tanks that you see at the pet store, are sealed just with silicon, so this would work great ( I personally made a plexiglass aquariam once with silicon) However, you may have noticed that they also have a black plasitic border around the botom and top of the tank. You can get the black plastic borders at the hardware store by the foot, but if you actually want it to work (especially if you are going to use glass) you have to get one that is fitted, or already in a square shape, in order to apply the pressure that is necessary to prevent leaks on weakness in the structure (a.k.a so the tank won't fall apart!) you can get these, but you might have to special order it, or cut your glass to fit the ones that are available. Most times you have to special order these from a place that sells aquariams, but you have a great idea, and if it doesnt have to be water tight you could just use silicon and a wood frame on the outside. To silicon, put a stripe down the edge, press it to another piece, and then smear the excess flat along the inner and outter seal with a spoon (leave a thick layer across the inside of the angle that the pieces form, and a thin bit on the outside) Sorry I can't explain it better, but I hope this helps!
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Old 01-27-06, 06:22 PM   #3
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The plastic edging should not really be nessecary, I would build the frame out of wood and then just have the front or sides as glass. As for treating the wood i would sudgest using an outdoor waterbased acrylic house paint. When using the outdoor paint make sure to do a light snading inbetween coats. Two coats will be good. and seal all joints with silicone when your done.

good luck
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Old 01-28-06, 09:42 AM   #4
Join Date: Apr-2004
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Posts: 101

Hey,I made a snake enclosure completely out of glass (with wood trim), and it was easy to do... I did all the glass cutting myself, send me a PM if you like with your email addy and I can send pix.
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