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Old 08-21-05, 10:49 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug-2005
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Arboreal or terrrestorial geckos ?

Hey guys since evryone is breeding leopard and crested geckos these days....I was wondering which other kind of geckos are good to breed and maybe in the future make them a part of my captive bred lizards store.

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Old 08-23-05, 12:17 PM   #2
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It's not really about who's breeding how many of what, it's moreso the colouring and morph these days. Uroplatus, however, is probably the one gecko that will always be rare and expensive, I knew one guy who had a plan to breed them and bring the price down to about 75$, but his died =/

Terrestrial geckos that *I* would be interested in would be sand and dune geckos, like knob tailed geckos, israelie dune geckos, web footed dune geckos, anything with horns.

Arboreal geckos, crested geckos are becoming very very common, in time they will be more common than leopard geckos, but as I mentioned above, it's about the colour and morph, even though leopards are so cheap because they are mass produced, there are still some colours that people pay over $500 for. But for arboreal ones that have a pretty good future, Uroplatus, gargoyle geckos, banana geckos, leachianus, chahouhas.

Aside from geckos, chameleons are looking good too, if you can get a hold of some rarer ones (in Canada) get them and breed them and sell them to me. Frilled dragons would be a great animal to get into, as they would sell like mad if they were cheaper, but there aren't enough out there to bring them down to around 100-200$ yet.

In the end, just go with what you like, I tried arboreal geckos first, went to terrestrial, and am now back to arboreal because I like the way their natural habitat is set up, the cages are nicer display pieces and since they are usually climbing around, you can see them instead of having to lift a rock up to find the terrestrial ones.
There's always someone out there who will buy something because they like them, not everyone is looking to breed, some are looking for pets. Pictus geckos however are one that I wouldn't recommend getting into :P

1.1 Veiled Chameleons : 1.1 Crested Gecko : 0.1 Pictus Geckos (looking to trade or sell $25) : 1.0 normal leopard gecko - 0.1 tang 100% het bliz leo - 0.2 bliz leos (All leopards for sale/trade) : 1.0 Leucisitc Texas Ratsnake (Looking to trade for Crestie or pygmy chams)
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Old 08-29-05, 12:26 AM   #3
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i'm personally partial to crested, but my actual suggestion is viper geckos,,, their pattern is awsomed, they're tiny so a decent colony can be kept in a smallish enclosure, and their tails just look wicked.
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Old 08-29-05, 08:10 AM   #4
Join Date: Jul-2002
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ohh you should really start breeding santanic leaf tail geckos they are awsome!!! and not to hard to take care of just like other leaf tails
1.1 Common Boa, 0.0.1 Children’s Python, 1.0.0 Pastel Ball Python, 5.4.6 Crested Geckos, 0.0.2 Gargoyle Geckos, 1.0.0 sand gecko, 1.0.0 Gold Dust Day Gecko, 1.2.0 Tokay Geckos, 1.1 Ornate Uromastyx, 1.0.0 Marble Gecko, 0.1.0 Emperor Scorpion, 0.0.2 Dumerils Monitor, 0.0.1 Red Tegus, 0.0.1 Sulcata Tortoise, 1.1.0 Bearded Dragons, 1.0.0 Russian Tortoise.
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