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Old 08-17-05, 07:14 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug-2005
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Unhappy Im Getting Worried

my leopard gecko hasnt eatten for 3 weeks now and hes barely active.......even with the food right in front of the thing it wont eat at anytime. When it walks around it kind of looks like its struggling. I dont understand why it wont eat the conditions have never changed in its enviroment. Its tail is still in good shape though but 3 weeks without eatting is really weird.
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Old 08-17-05, 07:39 PM   #2
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I've had mine do that. Are you absolutely sure that everything is the same. If you have the air conditioning cranked in your house, even if it's just been on more lately, that could be dropping the temperatures, as it happens to me. I would double check your temperatures. How old is it? And how long have you had it? What sex?

Could just be going into a 'hibernating' time, which happens sometimes before the breeding season, but I don't really know why it would be doing that now.

Have you tried varying what you're feeding it? What have you tried?

More info could help with better feedback!
Amanda Heaton
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Old 08-17-05, 07:41 PM   #3
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How old is the gecko? More often than not, a leo who doesn't eat is often due to compaction from eating substrate (they feel full already and can't go to the bathroom)... I've seen it numerous times from young to older geckos when on sand as a substrate... Look at his stomach and see if he looks full of stuff....
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Old 08-29-05, 12:17 AM   #4
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I find that if you feed your gecko only one thing, they tend to get bored, and not eat for maybe a month or more. If that's what is wrong i wounldn't worry unless their tail is getting thin. But you say it's walking funny,, how do you mean?, like shaky legs, unbalanced, lop-sided, etc?
Do you ever dust your crickets in calcium, D3, or vitamins? Is there anyway it might have hurt it's leg?
If you could tell us more, we can maybe offer more suggestions
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Old 08-29-05, 12:21 AM   #5
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Have you taken a fecal sample in to be tested for parasites.

When i notice weight drop or decreased eating that's the first thing i do.

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Old 09-03-05, 02:09 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by bigblue1212
my leopard gecko hasnt eatten for 3 weeks now and hes barely active.......even with the food right in front of the thing it wont eat at anytime. When it walks around it kind of looks like its struggling. I dont understand why it wont eat the conditions have never changed in its enviroment. Its tail is still in good shape though but 3 weeks without eatting is really weird.
well that is terrible to hear do you clean the cage reagularly? because that could be part of the problem also if you are not using calcium on the crickets tht could weaken the muscels and bones. try feeding it the natural diet or new foods but thats i ive got i would like oto hear how it is doing in time=)
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