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Old 12-03-02, 09:55 AM   #1
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Question Myth or reality?

Can any one tell me if this is true,
i have heard or read somewhere that a snake will only die before sunrise or after sunset, depending on the severity of it's injury
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Old 12-03-02, 10:38 AM   #2
Big Mike
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That's a myth. That's the time that [some] snakes are most active so if they did happen to die they would be found quicker at that time.

Any animal will die when it dies....time of day time of day would have little effect.
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Old 12-03-02, 12:11 PM   #3
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Any animal will die when it dies....time of day time of day would have little effect. [/B]
Any animal will die when it dies.... and not a moment sooner, huh? J/K

I've heard the same about spiders too.
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Old 12-03-02, 06:22 PM   #4
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if you were to kill a snake (ie chop off it's head) after sunrise and before sunset it's not going to live headless til sunset so it can die in the dark.
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Last edited by Lisa; 12-03-02 at 07:48 PM..
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Old 12-03-02, 08:28 PM   #5
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this myth comes from the fact that snakes heads and bodies can and often will continue to twitch after death. This story usually comes up when a snake is decapitated or clubbed and people claim that the snake only died when sunset / sunrise. ppl have been killed by decapitating a venomous snake, putting the head in a breast pocket and then the nervous twitch causes the snake to seemingly be alive and bite the victim.
(chickens can run around for a while after decapitation, but here are dead due to the severance of the cerbeal cortex to the brain. sounds flashy!!! but i got it from re-animator)
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Old 12-03-02, 10:10 PM   #6
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chickens can run around for a while after decapitation, but here are dead due to the severance of the cerbeal cortex to the brain. sounds flashy!!!

My dad used to get live chickens and decapitate and de-feather them while we watched. It always seemed the bodies would chase us around till the nerves died out. May sound cool, but it's scary as hell when your a kid!!!! LOL
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Old 12-03-02, 10:29 PM   #7
Shane Tesser
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I read an article a little while back about a chicken that a farmer cut off his head..but somehow cut it in such a way that there was still i guess nerves or something still attached enough that the thing lived for 11 days. The farmer was even feeding it with an eye dropper hoping it would live....sick..but i still laughed my head off when i heard it!
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Old 12-04-02, 09:28 AM   #8
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I doubt that was true Shane lol Porr guy - he wil beleive anything!

As for all the decapitation .. this is a very morbid thread ..
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Old 12-04-02, 09:35 AM   #9
Scotty Allen
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mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, decapitation. Yummy.
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Old 12-04-02, 10:27 AM   #10
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Well guy's and girls,
i think i got my answer, and i agree, this has definately a morbid subject,
Always keep your face pointed towards the sunshine,
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Old 12-04-02, 11:46 AM   #11
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Just for the record, "Miracle Mike, the Headless Chicken" that Shane mentioned is real.

There's a website devoted to him at Miracle Mike the Headless Chicken

The city of Fruita Colorado celebrates his fame every year. You can check for the dates if you're planning to attend, at Fruita Colorado Home Page

Just shows ta go ya - some things are stranger than fiction... X-files had nothing to do with it
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Old 12-04-02, 06:32 PM   #12
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trivial pursuit has a question on the headless chicken!!!! so it must be true! lol
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Old 12-04-02, 07:11 PM   #13
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shane is telling the truth it is in magazines!!!

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