Disease in breeder mice
I started a colony of mice a few weeks ago and noticed about a week ago that one of them was sick (looked like it was shivering and looked frail). I dispatched it thinking that it had an infection from a bite as they often have power struggles and bite each other. Anyway, I separated a pregnant female a few days ago and after having her litter she atarted showing signs of the same thing, then she chewed up half of her babies, draged the surviving ones to random locations in the bin and sat shaking and almost ridged in her food bowl. I dispatched her and the babies as well, but am not sure how to deal with this disease that's spreading through the colony. Does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing?
1.0 red tailed green ratsnakes, 2.3.16 North Mexican Pine snakes, 1.1 Bairds Rat snakes, 1.1 Amazon Tree Boas, 0.1 Trinket Rat snake, 1.1 Taiwan Beauty snake, 1.0 Western Hognose, 0,1 Wandering Garter Snake, 1.0 Russian ratsnake, 1.1 Crested Geckos