Feeding Chams??
Can they eat mealworms as a staple?? I have huge colony of mealworms I started when I had my leos. Actually I have 2 of them. Now I just have these colonys of them and nothing to eat them. My crested geckos get some once in a while, but not eought to cut the colony down at all.
Forgot to add, does anyone know of a good canadian breeder that carries the panther cham?? Also I want a brightly colored one, one with a lot of orange and red. What kind are they?? I know there are lots of different colored ones I just can't seem to find a site that has pics with the name with it.
1.1 crested gecko ( cresty and sticky!)
0.0.1 crested baby
0.0.1 Mali Uro (Spike)
Last edited by Rebecca; 05-12-05 at 12:56 AM..