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Old 05-02-05, 10:47 PM   #1
Greg West
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Some more cage that I just finished *Dialup Warning*

Well its been a busy few months for me and there is more to come as the cages get completed.
Thanks to all my customers and I hope that they and their animals enjoy their cages, racks, wall
units, and stands.

Here is the pictures.

Here is my small snake rack and the prototype drawing. The prototype actually only shows 12
spaces for the tubs but should have shown 15.

Here is the style rack less one compartment and the prototype drawing for it.

Here is a crested wall unit I just completed before the show and the prototype drawing that was
done before construction.

Here is the design for the corner cabinet design of mine. More pics to follow once the canopy is
completed and the glass portion is installed into the stand, but I think it looks good so far.

Hope you all like.

Greg West
Cornel’s World Terrariums
Quality Customized Terrariums
Cornelsworld Terrariums
Quality Customized Terrariums

Last edited by Greg West; 05-02-05 at 11:13 PM..
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Old 05-04-05, 01:16 AM   #2
Tim and Julie B
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Man those are awsome to bad you don't live closer! lol
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Old 05-04-05, 08:56 AM   #3
Join Date: Feb-2005
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The corners and arboreals look awesome... But I dont like racks in general. but hey I dont breed so i guess I wouldnt need one anyway
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Old 05-04-05, 09:42 AM   #4
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i like them all.. but i do have one question.. how tall is that style rack.. it seems kind of tall and would be dificult to reach the dimmer.. but it doesnt mean i dont love them...
enough animals. finally lowerd my herp collect to 40
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Old 05-04-05, 10:41 AM   #5
Greg West
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It is tall and it is heavy. 6" X 11 bins high, plus 5/8" X 12 or 13 adds up to a tall unit.
I personally like the other style I have done. Where the dimmers are on the side, the bins are side by side, and the heat tape runs horizontally having a more stable heat gradient.

Cornelsworld Terrariums
Quality Customized Terrariums
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