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Old 03-29-05, 10:59 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar-2004
Location: Bama
Age: 61
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Interesting obsevations

We had a bad storm blow in Sunday. Yes, the Easter Bunny brought us tornados.
Saturday I noticed my monitors and other critters doing some things.
My savs started digging like crazy, I think they were widening the insides of their burrows, then they collasped the entrance. They came out this morning.
The blackthroat and the argus went cruising the cages acting all agitated. They too went underground after awhile. They came back out sunday night no worse for wear.
My amazon tree boa left his perch at the top of his tree and wrapped himself in the fork at the thickest part of his tree.
The box turtles dug down and stayed in their shells. the water turtles went to the water and sat on the bottom.
Who needs a weather man when you have reptiles.

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Old 03-30-05, 12:35 AM   #2
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That's cool!!
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Old 03-30-05, 06:31 AM   #3
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WOW how interesing, they must be very in tune to ambient pressure, and all those other storm indicators...........NEAT Now I want some Varinids just to watch their behavior, I understand that alot of them are very inteligent, AWESOME, that makes my day for some reason!!
I got a bunch of snakes and a bunch of guns
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